When searching for budget friendly Halloween costume ideas we came up with this. My son is a Cub Scout and avid camper. He loves to eat and make S’mores. So he thought it would be funny to dress up as a giant S’more. This is what we came up with after searching other children costumes on the web! I made this costume in a weekend.
Costume Materials: two sheets of corrugated plastic board or cardboard (if you use cardboard I would cover it with clear contact paper in case it gets wet). Sizes: one-22″x28″ for front piece and one 17″x23″ for back piece. Eight sheets of light brown craft foam, 8 1/2″x11″, eight sheets of dark brown craft foam 8 1/2″x11″, white material-you can use an old sheet pillowcase or buy a yard or two from the fabric store, fiberfill fluff- a large bag should be enough, six yards of 1″ brown ribbon, 48″ of 1″ white ribbon, Styrofoam ball-medium size, stick or twig about 16″ in length, hot glue gun and lots of glue sticks.
Budget friendly Halloween costume instructions: Cover the perimeter (about 4″ wide) of the largest piece of corrugated board (the front) with dark brown foam sheets. Fold in half, long ways and glue onto board. This is the “chocolate bar”. Make Graham crackers: On all eight sheets of the light brown craft foam you will need to poke or punch holes into the sheets staggering them to simulate a Graham cracker. Then cut little notches (the perforations of the Graham cracker) where the sheets will meet. I used a real Graham cracker as my model. Glue four of the “Graham crackers” on the front piece of board leaving about a 3″ wide strip of “chocolate” around the whole board. On the back piece glue the other four “Graham cracker” sheets on.
There are various ways to make the “melted marshmallow” of this budget friendly Halloween costume. I used white fabric strips that I cut into the following sizes: two 16″x36″ and two 16″x22″. I folded them in half long ways so it was now 8″ wide. On one side of the length I cut a wavy random line. I sewed it together, left a hole for the fluff, turned it inside out and then stuffed it with the fiberfill. I did this to all four pieces. Then I sewed the holes shut. The two longer pieces of marshmallow get glued on the inside front piece of board so it is behind the “chocolate”. The shorter two get glued onto the inside bottom and top of the board. Make sure you have about 4″ or so of the “melted marshmallow” showing.
Cut eight 24″ pieces of the brown ribbon. Glue two of the pieces of ribbon onto the inside front and two of the pieces onto the inside back so the ribbons fall above your child’s shoulders. You will be able to tie them together over your child’s shoulder. Then glue two of the ribbons on both sides of the inside front about halfway down. Do the same on the back with the remaining ribbon pieces. You will then be able to tie these together at your child’s waist. The costume “sandwiches” your child inside.
For the marshmallow hat I used the remaining white fabric. I cut the fabric so I could make a cylinder shape (a 3D marshmallow) sewed it together and filled it with fiberfill. Next place the Styrofoam ball inside the center of the “marshmallow” hat. Poke your stick or twig through the center of the top of the marshmallow and into the Styrofoam ball. Put a little hot glue around the fabric where you poked through. Cut two strips of 24″ of white ribbon. Hand sew onto each side of the marshmallow hat and you will be able to tie it under your child’s chin.
I finished the budget friendly Halloween costume off by making an S’mores sign he could carry. We also decorated his candy bag to look like a chocolate bar. We glued aluminum foil on the sides of the bag. Then we enlarged a chocolate bar wrapper on a color copier and glued it on top. If you are looking for ideas for budget friendly Halloween costumes, this is very easy!
Total Spent: $20
Costume by Katie O., Holland, MI

My friend Jill and I didn’t have much money left in the piggy bank so we went for a budget friendly Halloween costume. We got thick foam board and covered it with brown construction paper representing the gram cracker. We then divided it into four sections and put brown dots with sharpie marker.
We then surrounded the gram cracker with brown felt material and used hot glue to combine it. Then we made straps with elastic so it would go around us. Under that we wore all white to make us the marshmallows. Also adding the white hair die to top us off. (If you want to be a burned marshmallow wear black sweatpants).
We got so many compliments on our outfits. And all we did was use our imagination. Nobody had ever seen an outfit like this before.
Total Spent: $15
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