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Coolest Homemade Lego Boba Fett Halloween Costume

How and why I made my Homemade Lego Boba Fett Halloween costume!

I’m a 34 year old female. I work full-time, and attend College part-time. I’m a creative Artist/ Sci-Fi geek/ Star Wars Fan who wanted a funny original homemade costume!

What can you make out of cardboard, paper mache’, tape, fabric, Velcro, hot glue, paint and a LOT OF TIME? JUST about the coolest costume EVER!

My inspiration was a Star Wars mini-fig of Boba Fett.

Here’s how I did it!

For the Helmet / Head…

I needed something that I could use as an armature that resembled a Lego Person’s head. I found that an empty propane tank was perfect! First, I covered it with plastic wrap. Then I watered down some Elmer’s Glue. I dipped my newspaper in the glue-water, and began covering the tank, smoothing the paper flat. After one or two coats I let it dry over night then repeated this application two more times. Once dry I used a utility knife, and cut one long opening from top to bottom, then removed the paper from the tank. Then I cut a horizontal strip out for my eyes. I expanded the cut, to allow for the vertical slit in the helmet, and propped it open use a rolled up paper tube. Then I used more strips of paper mache to seal the upper cut section back together. I used a balloon to close up the top so that I could cover it with paper mache.

Using a spackle knife, I applied joint compound (plaster) to any uneven or hollow areas. I let the plaster dry overnight. Then I sanded the plaster smooth with fine sand paper. I cleaned the surface, and spray painted it with a quality primer. For the interior head rest, I hot-glued some Styrofoam on the inside, so that the cut eye slits lined up with my eyes. I hand painted the helmet to match the Lego fig. It was helpful to use painters tape in some areas. I attached, with hot glue, three layers of window screen on the inside; enough so that I was not visible from the outside.

For the Hands:

I bought two 3″ PVC fittings (available at a Home Improvement store) and cut an opening in each one. Then I drilled a pilot hole at the back. I attached the 10 inch long wooded dowels with a wood screw. Then I primed and spray painted the hands with the same flesh tone color. I attached a white Velcro to the back of one hand.

For the Gun:

I used found household items that would make up the shapes that I needed to match the Lego gun! When I could not find the right parts for the front of the gun, I cut cardboard circles and glued them together. I then filled in the hollow gaps in the cardboard with joint compound. Let dry, tape off, spray paint red & black, let dry, attached black Velcro to back of gun handle. Now the gun is removable!

Making the Body & Legs:

Were a challenge to shape! Lego people are very short! Their body proportions do not match a person. Luckily I have access to a computer program where I was able to trace an image of a Lego figure and stretch it making it taller to fit me perfectly. This required a lot of measuring and planning. Then I had the correct length, width and height of each part of the body and legs! I started cutting up cardboard and used packing tape to attach it together. I also reinforced the corners with additional cardboard.

Detailing the Legs:

I used my sewing machine, and covered the legs in gray cotton fabric and attached with Velcro. The circles where then painted on using acrylic craft paint. I attached straps at the top of the legs that attach to my belt so that the legs lift up when I walk.

Detailing the Body:

I used my sewing machine, and covered the body in gray cotton fabric and attached with Velcro. I hand painted the front of the body’s fabric with acrylic craft paint using a photo as a guide. All the cloth is removable and washable! I used scraps of gray fabric to sew two long-sleeves (you’ll need enough to cover your hands and hold the wooden dowels in).

The Jet Pack…

I used recycled Styrofoam to create the basic flat shape of the jet pack. I then used the flexible cardboard from cereal boxes to make the cylinders. A paper towel tube and two small balloons were also used. Before hot-gluing it all together I cut hole through the back and tied a string through the back. I covered the entire jet pack with 2 to 3 layers of paper mache’. I painted the entire pack green (3 to 4 coats to cover). To attach the jet pack to the body I cut holes through the material and cardboard and tied it on.

NOTE: My main goal with this costume was to get everyone who saw it to laugh and wonder who the heck is in there?! So none of me is actually visible when I have it all on! Which means? I can’t speak, or I’d give it away!

Adding sound:

I recycled an old birthday card that already had the STAR WARS theme song on it! At Radio Shack I bought a button and soldered it in place. I also bought a Digital Voice Recorder that will record and play 20 seconds of sound. I loaded up sound bites of Boba Fett from the Star Wars movies. I recorded the sound and then attached both voice players with their speakers and batteries inside the body of the costume. All of these parts are attached with Velcro, so they are removable and easy to repair!

This Homemade Lego Boba Fett Halloween costume took me 2 months to complete! I managed to keep it secret from ALL my friends. I threw a huge Halloween Party where I greeted each guest at the front door, in FULL costume, playing the STAR WARS theme and pointing my Lego gun at them. As you can imagine, everyone DID laugh and smile a LOT! Mission accomplished!

Now my costume decorates one corner of my art room and inspires me to challenge myself everyday!
May the Force Be With You!

Good Luck making yours!

P.S. If you like this Lego costume, also be sure to check out my Lego Princess Leia Costume, on this site, from last year!

I also have additional photos of this costume and other creative projects on my website…

Homemade Lego Boba Fett Halloween Costume

Add Plaster and Sand Smooth

Create Armature From Foam and Cardboard

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