Dress your modern family in DIY Stone Age costumes and transform into an iconic television family! Check out this collection of awesome homemade Flintstone costume ideas. Then take off your shoes and transport yourself to the town of Bedrock.
These are classic costumes for any family. Versatile and fun – they can accommodate all family sizes very well. If you need extra characters, check out the adorable Dino costumes here.
Also, take a look at the hilarious costumes here. For instance, the Bam-Bam costume with airbrushed muscles. Or the twin babies dressed in Fred and Barney costumes.
In addition, check out all the couple costumes here. Besides from the classic Fred and Wilma, check out Pebbles and Bam-Bam as well as Betty and Barney Rubble.
As a bonus, these are fantastic costume ideas for affordable, instantly recognizable costumes.
So have a yabba dabba doo time this Halloween with these awesome homemade Flintstones costumes!
Latest Flintstone Costume Ideas
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- Coolest Flintstones Group CostumeThis year we decided to dress up at the Flintstones. Fred’s costume was made out of orange, black and blue … Read more
- The San Diegan Homemade Flintstones Family CostumeGrowing up, my Ma made me and my brothers costumes by hand every year. I had my baby girl in … Read more
- Real Life Pebbles and Bamm Bamm with Working Flintstones CarWe had been wanting to do this ideas since out babies met each other, unfortunately Pebbles didn’t had hair and … Read more
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- Baby Flintstones Dino CostumeThis year, my husband and I decided to dress up as the Flintstones as a family for our annual Halloween … Read more
- Homemade Easy and Darling Pebbles CostumeThe hardest part of this Pebbles costume was finding the right fabric for the top. I searched Joann’s Fabric and … Read more
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- Fun Homemade Group Costume for the Family: The Flintstone’sMy 4 yr-old son was always banging on everything he could get his hands on. We all started calling him … Read more
Featured Flintstones Costumes
Flintstone Costume submitted by: Sheena R., Texarkana, TX

We had fun with this Flintstone costume theme. I chose Bamm Bamm months before Halloween because my son has the white hair just like Bamm Bamm and also shares his attitude!
My friend has a little girl and we had originally planned on throwing a Halloween party; my family was going to dress at the “Rubles” and her’s would have been the “Flintstones.” Unfortunately we didn’t have the party but I knew my son would make the perfect Bamm Bamm. We practiced banging his bat on things and yelling “Bamm Bamm” weeks before Halloween!
Making the Costume
The Flintstone costume is so easy to make! I bought two sheets of black felt and when I babysat my nieces and nephews I let them cut out triangles (they loved the project!) I had to buy a hat and some Rit Dye because I couldn’t find an orange one his size. Luckily, I already had some orange shorts that were too long for him so I just cut them jagged at the bottom then hot glued the triangles to those and the hat. My mom actually made the little white pom pom on top of his hat but those could be bought pretty cheap!
I had to buy a cream colored long-sleeve onesie due to the weather otherwise I would’ve let him go shirtless like the real Bamm Bamm! Also because of the weather I got some panty hose. I could only find them in a package of three but now I can pass them down to a baby girl I know!
Next, I got piece of faux fur, cut it into a thinner strip and sewed it together to fit the length of my son from the top of his shorts to the back (the left side of this front to the opposite side of his back). Cut two slits at the bottom of the fur (in the front) and slid a bone through it. I hot glued the bone in place. The best place to find a good bone would be a pet store; everywhere else just has the kind that is rolled at the ends.
The last thing you need to do to finish off your Flintstone costume is get a bat and there’s your Bamm Bamm!
Total Spent: $15
Wilma and Fred Flintstone Costume
Flintstone Costume submitted by:
Veronica G., San Bernardino, CA

I have to thank this website for the inspiration for these costumes. Looking back on prior years I was able to fabricate my own versions of the Flintstone costume. The most expensive item was the orange fabric for Fred. After using a coupon at a local fabric store it totaled almost $10 for two yards. I then spent about $0.40 on the black felt and $0.25 on the blue scrap of felt for the tie.
I measured the chest and waist of my boyfriend and cut a front and back of the Fred costume. Then, I pinned the sides and while it was inside out just drew where I thought the arm and neck holes should be sewn and went from there. I used a piece of orange scrap to serve as interfacing to give the costume a finished look (which I now realize wasn’t necessary for a quasi-caveman!) I cut the black felt into various sized triangles and used some black thread to quickly stitch them onto the orange costume.
Fortunately I found the white semi-stretchy fabric in the clearance bin (it was upholstery fabric) and paid less than $3 for the white fabric and it was three yards!
I was a little more discriminating with this costume because even being plus sized, I still wanted it to be somewhat fitting. I have to add a few darts to bring it in at the bust but again I didn’t use a pattern just grabbed a black sharpie cut a little bigger than I thought and started sewing making alterations and trying it on periodically.
Happily, I did have enough fabric to use it for interfacing (hence the line at my waist). I used some orange hair spray which was $3, bought some 1 1/2” (I believe that is the size) Styrofoam balls at my local craft store – which after a coupon was about $3 (and I got twice as many as I needed). I used my knitting darning needle with dental floss to thread the balls for the necklace! My Flintstone costume was ready for Halloween!
Total Spent: $20
Easy and Fun Flintstone Costumes
Flintstone Costume submitted by:
Jenni B., Liverpool, NY

This Flintstone costume was all very easy to make! Wilma: a white half slip from a thrift store, cut a hole for the arm and jagged edges at the bottom. The necklace was from the dollar store. It was blue and we used wall paint we had laying around to paint it white. I put my hair in a bun and used orange Halloween hair spray.
Fred: we used an orange sheet also from the thrift store. Folded it in half and cut a neck hole. Next we sewed the sides together leaving a space at the top for the arms and cut a jagged edge at the bottom. I hot glued black felt triangles all over the orange sheet. Last I used a blue scarf I found at the thrift store to make his tie.
Total Spent: $20
Flintstone Costume submitted by:
Jeanne S., New Castle, PA

Wilma’s wig was $19(actually an “I love Lucy wig” pulled up and a bone in the back). Her dress was a beach cover up bought at the Good Will store on half price day for $2. The beads from the craft store 25 cents each.
Fred was an orange linen table cloth and his tie a pillow case. I bought Rubber feet off the internet. Bambam was a woman’s house coat from the same store. His chest from Target and wig was left over from last year’s costume.
It was fun to do this Flintstone costume but more fun to see how far my family will go. Both the guys were in dresses this year! Had to keep reminding them to watch how the sit at the party!
Total Spent: $40
Bamm-Bamm With Felt Bat
Flintstone Costume submitted by:
Dierdre C., Beaumont, TX

I was inspired to do this Bamm Bamm costume by my two toddlers who are Pebbles and Bamm Bamm. I started looking for a realistic looking Bamm Bamm costume and couldn’t find one anywhere.
So, I decided to find a picture of Bamm Bamm from a Flintstone costume and do the best I could. I used felt for the skirt. And I made all my own patterns from my children’s clothing.
Constructing Bamm-Bamm
I simply traced an outline of a skirt, allowed for the hem and sewed it together. The waist is elastic. You just turn the fabric down on the inside, stitch it half way around, insert the elastic and stitch the ends together. Then tuck the elastic under the turned down fabric and finish stitching. I cut triangles out of black felt and stitched them on. The strap is a piece of faux fur bought at an any fabric store.
You measure from hip bone around the opposite shoulder and down to the back of the hip bone area (where the strap will be). It is backed with felt so it doesn’t scratch. The bone is a piece of felt with black zigzag stitching where I drew markings of a bone. You cut two slits through the strap and insert the bone. Stitch the strap and the bone to the costume in the front. Just put a large safety pin in the back, this will allow for any adjustments.

The hat is an orange hat from any store covered in the same felt as the skirt. I sewed the felt on but it can also be glued on with fabric glue. Then I cut triangles out of black felt and stitched them on. The bat is felt with brown zigzag stitching to look like wood. It is sewn like a pillow and stuffed with batting.
That’s basically it for this Flintstone costume. It’s very simple, inexpensive and takes about one and a half hours to make.
Total Spent: $8
Fred Flintstone Costume
Flintstone Costume submitted by:
Kelly F., Hallandale Beach, FL

For Fred’s Flintstone costume I cut black felt for Fred’s black spots and applied fabric glue to the spots then attached them to Fred’s costume. As for his tie I cut blue material and then tied it like a regular tie.
Total Spent: $60
The Modern Stone Age Family
Flintstone Costume submitted by:
Ginger D., Plaucheville, LA

When my baby daughter was born she had lots of hair and I kept a bow in the top of her hair. She was forever being referred to as Pebbles so the first Halloween that she was old enough it was time to dress her as Pebbles and it was only natural that her four year old brother be Bamm-Bamm. When we were invited to a Family Halloween party we talked Dad into wearing a Fred Flintstone costume too. AND big sis wanted in so she chose the name “Pebbleina”.
I am not a sewer so I used a bit of Wonder-Under. I bought a bright orange queen flat sheet, ironed the edges together (after measuring around) with the seam tape. Then, I bought a big bundle of black felt in the ‘extras’ bin at Wal-Mart and cut triangles and ironed them on. I had an old cotton blue nightgown that I cut the tie out and yes seam taped it on!!
Pebbles and Pebbleina
I bought sheer animal print material, my mother-in-law sewed it down one side and we tied it in a knot over one shoulder, just that simple. Pebbles wore a black onesie underneath with a dog bone tied in her hair and Pebbleina wore a brown linen dress under hers with a dog bone tied in her hair. Both got red hairspray dye, the baby had pink tinted hair for a week!
I bought a brown pillowcase and cut out an arm hole and head hole and then cut more spots from the felt that I attached with the seam tape. He also carried a large dog rawhide bone. He was the hit of the little town carnival!! Of course everyone’s costume was cut jagged on the bottom.
We had fun with this Flintstone costume and are looking forward to next year!
Total Spent: $3-5

No Shoes Needed
Flintstone Costume submitted by:
Sabrina C., Sanford, FL

This Flintstone costume idea was meant to poke fun at my daughter and I… We never wear shoes! I have 5 kids, time was limited, money scarce, and last minute ideas drained. The result was this.
The Wilma Flintstone costume was an easy concept, it did not turn out as I expected. I think because I’m much bigger in the bust and weight than Wilma and needed to dart the costume in the front. However I did not have time and made this in only about an hour, w/ 5 kids running around me!
It was doubled white felt (so no see thru) enough to wrap around my body. I sewed up the side, put it up against my body to figure out how much to cut away for the arms, chest, etc, and cut those. I then sewed up the shoulder strap. The final step was to cut the bottom to look jagged.
You have to try it on and w/ the undergarments you’ll be wearing, to fit it to your body better. Remember that you can always cut away more but not put it back, so be conservative on your cutting, even if you have to cut the same thing 5 times! The necklace was 1 1/2- 2 inch Styrofoam balls (about 6-8) threaded on dental floss and tied around my neck. I put my hair in a bun and attempted to color it reddish-orange w/ the color hairspray but it didn’t work out so much on my hair.
Be super careful because it runs and WILL get on your costume if you don’t have it covered!! Using a blow dyer helped dry it faster, and have some help spraying it if you can.
The Pebbles Flintstone costume took about 5 minutes if that! It was a hot pink t-shirt about 2 sizes too big. I put it on my daughter who is 2, cut off the arms, drew black triangle shaped patches on it with a black sharpie marker and cut the end jaggedly. Seems like I could have used a t-shirt maybe just a little baggier than her normal size instead of the huge one I used!
I had to sew up half the arm hole because it was so large and feared she’d be eaten alive by bugs. I threw on black pants, and made a bone out of the leftover felt from Wilma. Then, I attached it to a ponytail holder, slapped it in her hair and we were off!!
I bought more felt than I needed for about $4.50 ($2.29 per yard, the Styrofoam balls were $1.00 per package of 6-8 balls, and the t-shirt cost about $2.50. That equals out to about $8 and I’m a big girl so it’d be less for a skinny chick!! LOL
I did win for Best Costume, so all in all it worked out, and we had alot of fun and laughs. I only wish my husband would have let me make him a Fred Flintstone costume and it would have been even better!
Total Spent: No more than $10 all together.
Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm
Flintstone Costume submitted by:
Kim D., Butte, MT

I thought of Pebbles right after my daughter was born and saw that she was going to be a redhead. Then her brother was born and he turned out to be blonde so it was perfect for him to be Bamm Bamm especially since he also got the tough little boy personality. So we had to make them a Flintstone costume.
I cut my daughters dress in an A shape, sewed up the sides, sewed straps for the shoulder and cut out the neck and arms and cut the bottom in a zig-zag pattern.
My son’s Flintstone costume seemed easier. I sewed up the side, sewed the one strap and cut out the other side but I had to put a little drawstring down near where the bone is to tighten the costume so his arm strap would stay in place.
That worked perfectly with the tie inside so it can’t be seen. I sewed the bone to his costume and then I just put a small piece of the material over it and sewed it at the top and bottom of the Flintstone costume.

I also cut the bottom of his costume in a zig-zag pattern. Both bones, the one for my daughter’s hair and my son’s costume were made from old (clean) socks that I just cut out the shape of a bone ,front and back, sewed together and stuffed with a plastic bag (to keep light).
Foot Wear
My son had his sandals already and I just sewed the material to an old pair of slippers of my daughters to make her shoes.
My son’s club was very simple. For Easter they had received carrot bats and balls and I took the carrot bat wrapped plastic around it (once again to keep it light) and then took an old brown towel cut out the shape, sewed it up the sides then stuck the bat inside it and finished the sewing. (Tip: it’s easier to sew from small end up and leave the hole open at the large end so it’s easier to stick bat in.
Bamm-Bamm’s Hat
My son’s hat was the hardest and took the longest. I just cut elongated triangles out of material, sewed them together until they created the cap, sewed a small brim at the front and stuck a pompom (made just from some cotton balls) in the center of cap. I had to use clasps to attach hat to hair but he didn’t mind.
We received many compliments for our Flintstone costume.
Have a Yabba Dabba Doo Time
Flintstone Costume submitted by:
Karibeth S., Tyler, TX

I like to come up with ideas that nobody else would think of. My son turned one back in August of 2005 and he got a dinosaur and a grand slam toy. He took the bat from the grand slam toy and started beating the dinosaur with it.
I decided what a great idea for Halloween-a Bamm Bamm costume.
I purchased 1 yard of cheetah material. Then, I sent it to my mother who made the costume for me by just sewing side seams and cutting out the armholes for the shoulder strap.
He was a hit in his costume at our Fall Festival; everybody thought he was just adorable. The great thing is, nobody ever thought of it.
Total Spent: $9

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