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Coolest Homemade Marvin the Martian Costume

I got a wild hair one day and decided that for my kids homemade costume ideas, Marvin the Martian was a cool character that I felt would be a fun project to duplicate. The helmet is by far the hardest part of this costume. It took me several days and many trips to the hardware costume and second hand stores to put this together. You won’t believe it but the majority of the helmet is made from the black plastic bins that they make to hold your Halloween candy.

I cut this in half to make the front face and mounted it to an army helmet that I found at the surplus store. The visor and face shields are also cut from the candy bins. The broom on the top is pretty obvious. If you look close you can see that I cut a few slots to be able to view my targets. The helmet was not very comfortable at first so I reinforced it with padding to make it fit a little easier. I spray painted the green to match the original Marvin.

Now comes the fun part. The leotard was purchased at a dance studio. It fits pretty snug and shows very detailed portions of your body. Because of this I chose to wear Marvin boxers to further emphasize my character. The puffy hands can be picked up at any Halloween store.

The tutu was another tough project. I needed something that would stand up but not jab people at a party. I ended up buying a huge piece of 1″ thick foam and cut it as close as I could to the real Marvin. After this I applied the material with a hot glue gun. If you have never used a glue gun in this fashion before BEWARE!

Finally comes the shoes and gun. I picked up the gun at Toys-R-Us and the shoes are simply clown shoes that I painted to match the real thing. No one ever believes that I made this myself. I have searched the web for other Marvin Costumes and have yet to find one that compares to my work of art.

Good luck with your future kids homemade Halloween costume ideas.

Total Spent: $125

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