Cheap Last-Minute Spy vs. Spy Halloween Couple Costume

Was entirely too busy preparing daughters costume to do anything for myself. So, while at dollar store I grabbed 3 pieces of poster board totaling $1

Was entirely too busy preparing daughters costume to do anything for myself. So, while at dollar store I grabbed 3 pieces of poster board totaling $1.50. Two white pieces for heads and one red for dynamite. Since it was Halloween time, I was able to find a “ball and chain” prop. I went home, made … Read more

Coolest Homemade Spy vs. Spy Couples Costume

What's better than the classic Mad character's of Spy vs Spy?  When they are the chosen Halloween costumes for brother and sister who are just

What’s better than the classic Mad character’s of Spy vs Spy? When they are the chosen Halloween costumes for brother and sister who are just as zany and cunning as the characters themselves. Two of my children wanted to do something together and came upon this idea. While figuring out the head piece, especially the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Spy Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Spy Halloween Costume Idea

This is my Homemade Spy Halloween Costume Idea from Spy vs. Spy! It’s an old cartoon from MAD Magazine and Mad TV. My 11 year old son wanted to be a spy for Halloween but wanted something different. The “fedora” is a witches hat that was cropped off at the top and sewn. The mask … Read more

Coolest Homemade Spy vs. Spy Couple Halloween Costume

Homemade Spy vs. Spy Couple Halloween Costume

Every year we try and think of something bigger and better to do than the year before. My fiance had won about 10 contests before meeting me and I have won only one in my adult life. I wanted us to do something that would be big and funny and for some odd reason, I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Spy vs Spy Couple Costume

Homemade Spy vs Spy Couple Costume

We don’t have the best picture of this Spy vs Spy Couple Costume, but it really did rock. My husband and I dressed up as some of the coolest characters ever for last Halloween. Our Spy vs Spy costumes we super easy to make. We used some large pieces of white card paper and rolled … Read more

Cool Spy vs. Spy Costume

Homemade Spy vs. Spy Costume

My son wanted to team up with a friend for a Homemade Spy vs. Spy Costume from Mad TV show and old Mad magazines, but I thought, why not be both – half White Spy and half Black Spy. I went to Goodwill and got two large turtle necks and sewed them together. The pants … Read more

Coolest Spy vs. Spy Costume

Homemade Spy vs. Spy Costume

He and I both subscribed to MAD Magazine as children so when he suggested SPY VS. SPY for our costume this year I said YES! without hesitation. It’s funny how quickly we agreed on our costume with how little we agree on everything else. Which makes being enemies for Halloween even more perfect. The first … Read more

Coolest Spy vs. Spy Halloween Costume

Homemade Spy vs. Spy Halloween Costume

My husband and I love the old school Mad Magazine, especially these guys. I looked for months to find a costume and there is not one in existence other then a few weird looking rubber masks, so we made every inch ourselves. The masks are paper mache covered with fabric. The suits are extra large … Read more