This Shadows costume might be the easiest costume on earth. And from all of my costumes over the years, this one got the very best reaction. And surprisingly, the males who saw it went nuts.
So, here it is….Shadows. I got morph suits in my children’s sizes. Then I added all black accessories and clothes to my kids that resembled what they would normally wear. My girl always has a bow in her hair and skirts on, so the was what I added to her.

My boy was simple with just a pair of really cheap all black shoes. And my baby, who was too small for a morph suit wore black tights, a black turtleneck, black mittens and a black nylon I put over his head and tied off the legs and then cut them off.

Simple….yes. Awesome…YES!
Very creative! I love the simplicity. Your little girl reminds me of the shadow gal on Bear in the Big Blue House.
Very creative! I love the simplicity. Your little girl reminds me of the shadow gal on Bear in the Big Blue House.
Doesn’t strike you as dangerous?? Hopefully you are trick or treating when it’s still light out..ha ha!
Doesn’t strike you as dangerous?? Hopefully you are trick or treating when it’s still light out..ha ha!
What did you put over their heads?
What did you put over their heads?
I don’t know about this. Cars don’t stop for shadows.
I don’t know about this. Cars don’t stop for shadows.
Yeah, this definitely scares me! Unless the kiddos are trick-or-treating indoors… this seems really dangerous for the streets.
Yeah, this definitely scares me! Unless the kiddos are trick-or-treating indoors… this seems really dangerous for the streets.
I can’t stand seeing people continuously pinning this costume. It might be easy to make and entertaining, but can you think of an easier way to have them hit by a car. DON’T DRESS YOUR KIDS IN ALL BLACK!!
The TOT hours in my town are 3 pm to 5 pm. Sunset is not until almost 6 pm.
don’t assume that everyone will only be using this for trick or treating in the dark! people need costume ideas for lots of reasons.
I can’t stand seeing people continuously pinning this costume. It might be easy to make and entertaining, but can you think of an easier way to lose your children or have them hit by a car. DON’T DRESS YOUR KIDS IN ALL BLACK!! This is just bad parenting and a complete lack of common sense!
The TOT hours in my town are 3 pm to 5 pm. Sunset is not until almost 6 pm.
don’t assume that everyone will only be using this for trick or treating in the dark! people need costume ideas for lots of reasons.
This sounds like a really bad idea. Children in all black outfits in the dark on the second worst night of the year for drunk drivers? That’s dangerous.
This sounds like a ridiculously bad idea. Stockings over a baby’s head … brilliantly awful idea. Children in all black outfits in the dark on the second worst night of the year for drunk drivers? That’s dangerous and stupid. I’m sure their “cool costumes” would really be super well received at a hospital ER after being hit by a car that can’t see them.
I wouldn’t dress any kid in this, its an accident waiting to happen.
Are you crazy???? I wouldn’t dress any kid in this, its an accident waiting to happen.
That’s cute but very dangerous. You want your kid running around at night on Halloween wearing all black? You think cars will see them?!!?! No, bad idea.
That’s cute but very dangerous and almost stupid! You want your kid running around at night on Halloween wearing all black? You think cars will see them?!!?! No, bad idea.
This is so dangerous! Kids get hit by cars even when they AREN’T dressed up in a way that makes them impossible to see.
This is so dangerous! Kids get hit by cars even when they AREN’T dressed up in a way that makes them impossible to see. Not to mention the masks over their poor little faces! Yikes! Glad my mother was smarter than this!!
Very creative, but I’m in agreement. I live in the North East US, it gets dark EARLY… Every year, the local tv affiliates air tons of PSAs encouraging parents NOT to do this. It wouldn’t take from the overall effect if you included glowing “neon” necklaces, & reflectorized tape on the kids’ costumes, it might even look even cooler. And if it doesn’t, so what? At least your kids are safe. Unfortunately tragedies are not in such short supply that we can afford to tempt fate like this!
Very creative, but I’m in agreement. I live in the North East US, it gets dark EARLY… Every year, the local tv affiliates air tons of PSAs encouraging parents NOT to do this. It wouldn’t take from the overall effect if you included glowing “neon” necklaces, & reflectorized tape on the kids’ costumes, it might even look even cooler. And if it doesn’t, so what? At least your kids are safe. Unfortunately tragedies are not in such short supply that we can afford to tempt fate like this!
These are adorable and look like lots of fun. You could add reflective tape or give them glow sticks for safety or trick or treat at an indoor place like the mall or something.
These are adorable and look like lots of fun. You could add reflective tape or give them glow sticks for safety or trick or treat at an indoor place like the mall or something.
What a fantastic idea! I instantly thought of Peter Pan. One kid could be Peter, the other his shadow.
What a fantastic idea! I instantly thought of Peter Pan. One kid could be Peter, the other his shadow.
Way cool!!!! Love it AND give me a break people, Do you really think these kids have to worry about cars and traffic? I am positive these kids have a parent with them every step of the way.
Way cool!!!! Love it AND give me a break people, Do you really think these kids have to worry about cars and traffic? I am positive these kids have a parent with them every step of the way.
Looks like an invisible pedestrian costume to me.
Looks like an invisible pedestrian costume to me.
I think it looks great and clearly your kids didn’t get hit by any cars so well done. I don’t think my kids would like having their faces covered but it looks fantastic.
I think it looks great and clearly your kids didn’t get hit by any cars so well done. I don’t think my kids would like having their faces covered but it looks fantastic.
What is a morph suit and where do you get one?
What is a morph suit and where do you get one?
This is really neat but I wouldn’t take my kid out trick or treating in it. It eventually gets dark and an all black outfit could be very dangerous. ]:
This is really neat but I wouldn’t take my kid out trick or treating in it. It eventually gets dark and an all black outfit could be very dangerous. ]:
fab idea running out of halloween costme ideas we’ve had headless woman, dead waitress, scary rag doll, but this would be easy cheap and quite creepy my lil girl lerking in the shadows at school disco haha :)
fab idea running out of halloween costme ideas we’ve had headless woman, dead waitress, scary rag doll, but this would be easy cheap and quite creepy my lil girl lerking in the shadows at school disco haha :)
I think its fantastic!! And clearly the people who are bitching are lazy parents who are feeding from there own fear of what would happen if they dressed there kids in this!!Clearly your a responsible and creative parent. Love it!
I think its fantastic!! And clearly the people who are bitching are lazy parents who are feeding from there own fear of what would happen if they dressed there kids in this!!Clearly your a responsible and creative parent. Love it!
you wouldn’t have to worry about your kids getting hit by cars if you are with them….
you wouldn’t have to worry about your kids getting hit by cars if you are with them….
you wouldn’t have to worry about your kids getting hit by cars if you are with them….
I love how everyone who HATES this awesome costume idea is either anonymous or guest. Insult and hide, how mature.
She was OBVIOUSLY with her kids, as you can see from the pictures. Use your brains for something other than a spacer between your ears.
Apparently she is a responsible parent and takes her kids out and not let them run the town by themselves. Love the idea.
Apparently she is a responsible parent and takes her kids out and not let them run the town by themselves. Love the idea.
I don’t see her saying she sent the kids off into the dark anywhere in this post. Obviously, if you are taking your children trick or treating outdoors at night, this isn’t the costume for them. Not everyone trick or treats outdoors or at night. Calm down folks.
I don’t see her saying she sent the kids off into the dark anywhere in this post. Obviously, if you are taking your children trick or treating outdoors at night, this isn’t the costume for them. Not everyone trick or treats outdoors or at night. Calm down folks.
it would be awesome if they went with friends their size as their friends’ shadows. they could dress like twins in black vs color.
it would be awesome if they went with friends their size as their friends’ shadows. they could dress like twins in black vs color.
I am dying to know where you found the kids sized morph suits.
They are available on Amazon.
I am dying to know where you found the kids sized morph suits.
They are available on Amazon.
I love this! And, seriously all you negative folks out there, these are young children, and a BABY for goodness sake, so obviously the moms aren’t going to let them wander the streets alone and/or get hit by a car. Also, what are two of the most popular Halloween costumes – a witch and a black cat – also ALL black – should we not dress as those anymore either? Geez…well, I, for one, can’t get over how amazing these costumes look! These pictures are awesome!
I love this! And, seriously all you negative folks out there, these are young children, and a BABY for goodness sake, so obviously the moms aren’t going to let them wander the streets alone and/or get hit by a car. Also, what are two of the most popular Halloween costumes – a witch and a black cat – also ALL black – should we not dress as those anymore either? Geez…well, I, for one, can’t get over how amazing these costumes look! These pictures are awesome!
So the accessories that you added you just made sure was all black and put on top of morph suit? and for those say your kids get hit by the car, not everyone goes trick or treating in the street we do lots of carnival and stuff this is a cute idea. Plus I don’t let 5 year old go alone.
So the accessories that you added you just made sure was all black and put on top of morph suit? and for those say your kids get hit by the car, not everyone goes trick or treating in the street we do lots of carnival and stuff this is a cute idea. Plus I don’t let 5 year old go alone.
Ironic, people are casting their own shadows onto a very creative and perfectly safe costume. I feel sorry for people who live with such fear! Alas, the media have brainwashed you sheep. The average number of deaths on Halloween of people under the age of 18 is 5. Compare that to 2.5 average deaths the rest of the year. But remember, 10 times as many kids are out on Halloween compared to the rest of the year so it averages out. Still, you negative nancy’s can’t help your cancerous ways, mongering your fear, spreading your darkness. Tell me, what does it feel like to live in such a cynical bubble? Don’t tell me. Instead, go rediscover your innocence. Sew yourself a shadow costume perhaps. Yes, you need your shadow. Quit pawning it off on others. Get thee to Amazon, order a black morph suit and skulk around in the shadows and remember what it’s like to play and be the devil. As long as no one gets hurt or run over by a car of course!
Ironic, people are casting their own shadows onto a very creative and perfectly safe costume. I feel sorry for people who live with such fear! Alas, the media have brainwashed you sheep. The average number of deaths on Halloween of people under the age of 18 is 5. Compare that to 2.5 average deaths the rest of the year. But remember, 10 times as many kids are out on Halloween compared to the rest of the year so it averages out. Still, you negative nancy’s can’t help your cancerous ways, mongering your fear, spreading your darkness. Tell me, what does it feel like to live in such a cynical bubble? Don’t tell me. Instead, go rediscover your innocence. Sew yourself a shadow costume perhaps. Yes, you need your shadow. Quit pawning it off on others. Get thee to Amazon, order a black morph suit and skulk around in the shadows and remember what it’s like to play and be the devil. As long as no one gets hurt or run over by a car of course!