Cute No-Sew Mickey Mouse Costume

I had the idea months in advance, but of course I’m the queen of procrastination. Let me also mention that I don’t sew. Nope, not a bit!! The day before Halloween I went to the thrift store and found a black headband, red pajama bottoms, and white gloves. Off to the craft store….  I bought white puff paint, black felt, and yellow duct tape. Here’s how I managed to make Mickey Mouse:

Shoes: I took my house slippers and wrapped them in yellow duct tape.

Ears: I used a black headband, and black felt hot-glued to ear-shaped cardboard.

Shorts: I used red pajama bottoms rolled up. For the buttons I used cardboard with white puff paint and white safety pins to attach them to the “shorts”

I used an untwisted coat hanger, a pair of black tights, and a bunch of black safety pins to hold it all together, and to attach it to my shorts.

Nose: black eyeliner

The rest was just a black leotard I had laying around, and another pair of black tights I also had laying around. Ta-Da! My no-sew, night-before-Halloween costume was a hit! I got SOOO many comments about how great it looked, and it only cost me about $30.

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