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Cool Grayscale Costume: 1963 Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds

The idea for my costume this year started with looking on Pinterest. I noticed some grayscale costumes, and thought “how neat”, they look like they came right out of a black and white movie! I started to think about some of my favorite old horror flicks and Alfred Hitchcock films came to mind.

I decided to do Tippi Hedren’s character in 1963 Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds. I wanted to look like I came right out of a black and white film, so I put together my clothing, hair, and makeup in a grayscale palette.

I went to the Goodwill and bought a grey vintage looking jacket, white wig, black gloves,and black shoes. I had a black dress and gray pantyhose in my closet.

I went to a craft store and bought black birds of different sizes. I sowed the birds onto the jacket and bobby pinned some to my wig.

Now makeup: found a costume store that sold professional makeup to apply to my face and any body part not covered in clothing. I used Ben Nye cake foundation in cadaver grey. For contorting I used black, grey and white eye shadows. I used black eyeliner for my eyebrows, eyes, and lined my lips. I used a white eyeliner for the bottom eye line. Finished off my lips with a grey lipstick.

The reactions I got were ‘wow, rad, epic, the birds, oh she looks like a black and white movie, Heck yeah Hitchcock, awesome, I dont know who Alfred Hitchcock is or the movie The Bird but your costume is amazing!”

Cool Grayscale Costume: 1963 Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds

Cool Grayscale Costume: 1963 Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds

Cool Grayscale Costume: 1963 Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds

Cool Grayscale Costume: 1963 Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds

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