I got this homemade cupcake costume idea from a similar cupcake submission on this site. I used a lamp shade bought for $1.00 at the Goodwill. Then I took out the metal rods from inside and cut a mini slit so my daughter could walk freely. I went over the lampshade with glitter paint so it was a subtle accent. Then I used pink felt and stitched it around the lampshade.
I made a button hole in the back, it was easier to remove the costume that way. I then glitterglued sparkles allover a Styrofoam ball and glue gunned it to a beanie hat. Final touches were pompom fuzzies glued all over the costume for sprinkle effect and stuffed the costume with the left over felt for a puff effect.
This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!!
This is a great costume! So cute