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Coolest Hot Chocolate Costume

I knew I had to top my daughter’s light up robot costume last year so I searched the web for fun costumes. I saw a hot chocolate costume and knew I could have a lot of fun with it. I decided to make it look like the hot chocolate I used to have when I was growing up, including using the same Corelle dish pattern “Butterfly Gold” we had from the early 1970’s.

I used a laundry basket, foam core, poster board, white and brown felt, stuffing and my computer and printer for the dish pattern. I decided to sew the marshmallows and a whipped cream hat. I sewed the brown “liquid” and attached it to the inside of the basket with a big needle and yarn, attached the marshmallows with a quick stitch. To help hold the costume up (it was kind of heavy), I attached suspenders to the inside of the basket.

She was the hit of the neighborhood.

2 thoughts on “Coolest Hot Chocolate Costume”

  1. I love the hot chocolate costume you posted. My daughter is bond determined to be a cup of hot chocolate for Halloween, however, I am not crafty at all and have no idea to even get started. Can you send me more specific direction on how you made your daughter’s costume?

    Much appreciated.


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