Coolest Tea Bag Costume

This is a costume made for my daughter last Halloween. It is so simple to make – but you have to be able to run up a seam on a sewing machine.

What you see at the front is duplicated on the back, so it is like a sandwich board with the child in the middle. You need 4 squares of white semi-transparent fabric (dress lining works, but light-weight stiffner holds its shape better).

Stitch 2 pieces around the 4 sides leaving a 6 inch gap at the end to turn the bag inside out. Do this twice so you have 2 pockets of fabric. Then fill each one about a quarter full with dried leaves from the garden. Over stitch the gap and you end up with two tea bags.

Stitch the top of the 2 bags together, leaving enough space for the head, but not too much space so it will fall off the shoulders.

Then, to finish off stick the lid of a tea bag box onto a piece of cardboard and attach to the shoulder seam with string.

Simple, effective and different! Kids will love it.

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