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Original DIY Headless Halloween Costume

We bought a Pittsburgh penguins jersey, $2.00, at the Thrift shop. Then we stopped at the party store and picked up two really big bowls, hot glued them together and cut the bottom out for my daughter’s head to fit inside.

We used a back-lack with a board inserted and tie strapped down along with football shoulder pads(we borrowed) and finally added the shirt. We also gave my daughter a pair of my sweat pants and cut the pockets out for her arms to fit through.

for the gruesome neck I made, poured Elmer’s glue on wax paper with red and blue food coloring to make it look like blood. With that I added fake spaghetti and bugs eye balls for a bloody look.

The headless Halloween costume came out so good that not only was she asked to participate in the haunted house at our campground, she took first place.

Thanks to this site where I had gotten my ideas and just built off of it

5 thoughts on “Original DIY Headless Halloween Costume”

  1. Being from Pittsburgh I am appalled that you got a jersey for $2 when I Paid well over $100! lol and the costume is really cool!


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