Cool Homemade Joker Costume and Makeup

First, for the make up of this Homemade Joker Costume ! All you have to do is get clown makeup from the dollar store! Now the Joker has big black circles around his eyes so do those! Now around your entire face add white makeup, when you do this scrunch up your face to give it the Jokers wrinkly old look.

Now if you want you can add fake scars to your lips but i did’nt. Put lips on Joker, make sure they are very red and at the end make sure the tips are pointy to give him a scary grin.

Now for wardrobe: I found an old used purple jacket and used that, then I put on a green under shirt. As “the vest” I found a used tie my father had no need for and put that on. Also if you want to you can make your hair green using spray or dye and give him a weapon like a gun or pocket knive. TIP:Using dye may permanently or temporally KEEP your hair green, be careful! Also don’t use a REAL knife or gun for safety.

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