Home » Character Costumes » Animated Character Costumes » Nightmare Before Christmas Costumes » Cool Homemade Papier Mache Jack Skellington Costume

Cool Homemade Papier Mache Jack Skellington Costume

My son Zedd has always been infatuated with Tim Burton so Jack Skellington costume was a natural for him this Halloween.

We researched the Jack costumes from this site and used some previous readers tips. (Thank you so much).

We were fortunate to find a petite ladies suit with pinstripes at Value Village for $12. I took the pants in to fit my 10 year old and then chopped up the blazer into a tux/tails jacket. We then painted the stripes with metallic white paint.

The head was made with papier mache using an over sized balloon and we used cardboard for the brow and mache’d several layers over that.

Zedd wanted spooky Jack eyes and we cut them out and covered them with black stockings. Zedd painted on the mouth and nose. He also designed the tie out of cardboard and we mache’d over that to give it some texture. We let his brother, Eh paint that because everyone wanted to work on this project!

The head was fit by shaping it to my son?s shoulders so that it rested naturally and didn’t wobble.

He was the hit of the parade at school.

2 thoughts on “Cool Homemade Papier Mache Jack Skellington Costume”

  1. Hello, my step-son really wants to be Jack Skellington for Halloween. He saw the movie and really thinks it would be cool to be Jack. We have been searching the internet for a kid’s version of the costume and have had no luck. He was searching and found your costume and went crazy over it! Do you still by any slim chance still have the costume? If so, would you be willing to sell it? Thank you so much.


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