Cool Homemade Jack Skellington Costume

This year my girlfriend wanted us to wear a couple costume for Halloween. At our local Halloween store she bought a Sally costume from the movie “Nightmare before Christmas” but could not find the Jack costume to match. We searched for a Jack Skellington costume online but none really matched the Sally costume my girlfriend had bought. I therefore talked her into letting me make the costume.

I started with the head. I made this with paper mache, plaster and high gloss spray paint. I found a mobster costume with white pin stripes at Wal-mart for about $20; I brought it home, took it apart and resewed it to my design. I added tails, reversed the lapels and made it more close-fitting to my body.

I’m not a tall guy so I needed something to give me height. I found a pair of 3″ platform shoes at the thrift store close to my house. I bought the gloves at Party City, also cutting them down to my size. I then painted the undersides to make them look like bones on both sides.

All in all, I spent about $50 on this costume. Tt looked great and everyone loved it on Halloween night.

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