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Coolest Snow White and the Poison Apple Costumes

Snow White and the Poison Apple Costumes:

My daughter, age 2 ¾, wanted to be Snow White so we purchased the dress. I wasn’t sure if our son, age 15 months, would be willing to wear a costume, so I tried to come up with something comfortable and easy to wear. The Poison Apple was perfect!

First, I made 2 pillows with red fabric. Each pillow is just 2 circles of fabric sewn together, turned right-side-out and stuffed with some batting. Then I drew an “apple bite” shape onto white felt and sewed that onto the front and back apple pillow. The costume hangs over the shoulders with ribbon and ties at the sides with ribbon. He wore a white shirt and red sweatpants. I made a hat out of another circle of red felt with elastic around the edge, then hot-glued on a brown felt stem and green felt leaves.

I found a skull and crossbones pin at a craft store and pinned that on to mark the apple as “poisoned.” It was a hit – he was comfortable and looked so cute!

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