Coolest Creepy Bert and Ernie Costume

This Homemade Creepy Bert and Ernie Costume was fairly simple to create but a huge hit!

We started by buying some old, obnoxious sweaters, corduroy pants, and turtle necks from a local thrift store. We then purchased some bald hats (can get at any Halloween shop or online) and glued them down over our hair. We painted our faces and the other exposed areas of our skin yellow and orange. For the hair and eye brows we cut up an old wig and glued a small puff to Bert’s head, glued pieces onto both heads for the eyebrows, and the used the rest for Ernie’s hair. The eye balls are really what makes this costume! To make the eye balls we simply cut two ping pong balls in half, poked holes in the middle so we could see (total tunnel vision), and colored around the pupils. We then used some adhesive and scotch tape to connect them to our faces.

Great costume idea for a pair!

Homemade Creepy Bert and Ernie Costume

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