Home » Theme Costumes » Household Costumes » Laundry and Washing Machine Costumes » Coolest Homemade Snuggle Bear in Laundry Basket Baby Costume

Coolest Homemade Snuggle Bear in Laundry Basket Baby Costume

I made this homemade Snuggle Bear in laundry basket baby costume for my daughter and her 7 month old baby son, Kaden, as she always calls him her “Snuggle Bear”. We picked out soft fabrics for the bear and made sure to have lots of blue around so there’d be no misunderstanding that he was a boy.

The back of the costume was open so he could be quickly “changed” when necessary. It was actually made like a glorified coat- velcroed down the front– with “coattails” in FRONT for legs that had elastic bands to keep them over his legs. The back had a cute little bubblebutt extension that had an adorable little tail on it.

We put him in a laundry basket and added lots of comfy laundry and also Snuggle fabric detergent and dryer sheets. She wore a housewife’s outfit with robe, slippers, and handkerchief on her head and clipped clothes pins all over her. They were the absolute HIT at the Trunk-or-treat we had in our small Virginia town, but I don’t know if it was his costume idea or because he is the cutest baby ever!

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