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Coolest Homemade Kissing Booth Costume

Every year we come up with different party costumes. This year we made a kissing booth. This is what you need to make this costume: two boxes, one small and a half of one the kind canned goods come, in some red and white material, white puff paint, some quarters, four wooden rods, a frog costume, hot glue, lip stick and scissors.

I took the canned goods box, turned it upside down and hot glued the four wooden rods to the top box and inside the small box, then covered it with the red material and glued these to the outside of the box. I cut the front out to open in the front and made two white bows to tie back curtains, then took another small piece of the red and draped it over the top of the box and cut out a rounded pattern to give it a better look. Then at the very top of the box I wrote prince charming in puff paint and at the bottom of the small box I wrote kisses -25 cents – and hot glued some quarters on the bottom box.

I put the frog costume on kid and put lipstick on my lips and gave the kid a kiss for each cheek, added some frog slippers on child and we had a very cute costume for him.

Total Spent: $15

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