This year, on Halloween, I wasn’t quite myself; an otherworldly creature crawled beneath my skin—and could be seen bursting out of certain parts of it! My costume creation, called “Alien Infestation,” took about 3 weeks to bring to extraterrestrial life, and I had a blast expanding my special effects makeup skills during the process.
When making the face and body prosthetics, I discovered that baking soda is an excellent thickening agent for liquid latex (and, unlike flour, it doesn’t allow mold to form in unrefrigerated prosthetics). I also experimented with using glow-in-the-dark paints on certain pieces of the costume, and I was able to create the “glowing stomach” effect by using mini LED lights that were stored in a tulle pouch pinned to the bodysuit I wore beneath the hospital gown.
This was also my first time working with Crayola Model Magic, and I highly recommend it, especially for smaller costume pieces. I also encourage other costumers to browse the floral section of their local craft stores for interesting finds; artificial plants can lend some unique textures and shapes to your look. My partner even got in on the fun this year, dressing as an attending physician to complement my Alien Infestation patient costume.
We managed to win a prize for “funniest costume” at a local Halloween party, but the highlight of our Halloweekend was seeing the shocked delight on the faces of our friends and coworkers when visiting them in person.
Alien Infestation (headshot) Patient with an Alien Infestation (right) and her Attending Physician (left) Close-up of costume details (Alien Infestation) Alien Infestation (full body view) Close-up of special effects makeup for Alien Infestation costume Glow-in-the-dark effects for Alien Infestation costume
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