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Starbucks Dog Costume – Easy and Inexpensive



  • 2 Wooden embroidery hoops
  • Poster board
  • Ribbon
  • Tissue paper
  • Paint/markers

I noticed that my dog (Pembroke Welsh corgi) is the exact colors of my favorite fall drink – Starbuck ‘s Pumpkin Spice Latte…

1. First, I ordered a PSL, strictly for research and reference purposes.

2. Then I stumbled upon the perfect supplies. The costume was made from 2 wooden embroidery hoops and a piece of poster board.  The embroidery hoops are really cheap at the craft store. They are also flexible so you can open them to fit around your dog and then fasten them closed to retain the circular shape. Buy one slightly larger than the other so the cup shape will be slightly tapered.

3. Determine length and width. Cut the poster board so it reaches from his hind legs to ears. Width wise, it wraps around 75% of the hoop. Make sure the dog’s legs are free. I cut some away from his legs. (see photos)

4. I used paint and markers to fill in the Starbucks logo and cup details I had traced on the poster board.

5. I hot glued the poster board around the 2 embroidery hoops. I added another strip to the top to create the lip of the cup.

6. Try the costume! The rear hoop clips around the dog in front of his hind legs. The bottom of the front hoop was connected through the loop on his collar. This kept the cup mouth centered around his head.

7. A friend suggested I add whip cream, so I added tissue paper I speckled with cinnamon colored paint to the top of the cup.

8. Final touch: A hat from a real Starbucks lid. I just glued ribbon onto the lid and tied it on his head.

Now my favorite fall treat is a Pup-kin Spice Latte!

The costume is lightweight and he seemed very comfortable. He was able to sit and run around in it.  I hope you give it a try!


Starbucks Dog Costume - Easy and Inexpensive

Starbucks Dog Costume - Easy and Inexpensive

Starbucks Dog Costume - Easy and Inexpensive

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