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Adorable Maggie Simpson Baby Halloween Costume

One of my favorite characters of all time is Maggie Simpson. She is so cute and sweet just like my little girl Maddie. So I thought this would be a perfect costume for her first Halloween. First I had to plan out the whole costume. Maggie’s hair was made out of felt hot glued to an old headband. I took yellow felt and wrapped it around the headband and then glued it. I took the extra felt and cut out nine triangles.

I then hot glued them to my headband. To make the little blue bow I cut out a bow shape out of blue felt  and glued it to the headband. Next I made the red pacifier. I once again used felt. I cut a large circle and a smaller hoop shape and glued it to my daughters pacifier. Lastly I had to make the little blue nightgown. I found an old blue pillowcase and decided to make a pillow case dress using directions online. It was so easy. I found one of her blue onsies  and had her wear it under the dress for sleeves. It then was completely done and it only took me two days to make. The first day for planning and the second day for making it.  She ended up looking so  awesome and she had a great first Halloween!

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