Amazing Wild Animal The Muppet Costume

I started the costume early September, however I’ve had the idea since about may. Every year I try to out do my costume from the year before and last years was pretty good so I had to come up with something eye catching, fun, wild, one of a kind, get the crowds attention and applause and I think I managed to do it with a week to spare before Halloween!

I started with the giant head made from pape mache, feather boas and some Styrofoam balls. Once I had the head looking wild and animal like I started the big feet and hands using big work gloves stuffed of material and covered in an orange fleece blanket. The clothes were picked up at a local second hand store and i cut and got flies the extras I needed on It. Then made leg and arm covers from remaining  blanket. I can hardly hold my excitement in for the Halloween parties to see the response I get from the crowds and to get into character and literally party like an animal!

One of my favorite parts of a great homemade costume is the crowd reaction the ooo’s and aaahh’s and everyone wanting a picture with you. The challenge gets harder every year to outdo myself but I look forward to it. Having finished this years costume it’s time tI start thinking bigger and better for next year and still keeping it in a reasonable budget. i try and keep my cost below $100 as most bought costumes now a days run around that. I am very happy with how this years costume turned out and cannot wait to have the chance to go out and show it off! Bring on Halloween. In the spirit of the party animal costume … Let’s party! “I want to beat drum!”

Amazing Wild Animal The Muppet Costume

Amazing Wild Animal The Muppet Costume

Amazing Wild Animal The Muppet Costume

Amazing Wild Animal The Muppet Costume

Amazing Wild Animal The Muppet Costume

Amazing Wild Animal The Muppet Costume

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