I needed an idea quick, for a Halloween social we were going to, and then a commercial got my creative juices flowing.
The hardest part by far was the drum and that in a sense was easy. I bought 2 foam boards and cut 2 circles, I then cut a long strip of poster board paper, I used glue to piece it together. I then used blue electrical tape around the trim and red for the stripes. Black, yellow and red electrical tape made the logo. I used thick-blue elastic to make the straps and taped them into place.
I found 2 silver place mats at the Dollar store and wrapped them around paper towels to make a battery pack on my back, black electrical tape again made the logo.
The bunny ears were hard to find, none were big enough to my liking. I ended up buying a pink set of fairy wings from the dollar store and bent them into shape, and was able to connect it to a headband.
I already had a pink sweater, shirt and skirt, so I went and bought knee highs from the Dollar store and pink slippers. I used blue electrical tape to make it look like flip flops. The drumsticks are chopsticks with 2 foam balls painted red. To complete the look I borrowed a pair of sunglasses.
I like that idea I am having a contest for my church I needed that idea I hope I win
I like that idea I am having a contest for my church I needed that idea I hope I win