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Awesome Baby Groot Costume for a Grown Woman

After watching Guardians of the Galaxy and seeing Baby Groot dancing in the last scene, I knew I wanted to create my own Baby Groot costume for Halloween. With two hula hoops, some ivy and a white painter sheet from a dollar store, as well as brown packing paper and some cardboard, the vision came to life and all for under $15.

The white painter sheet was wrapped and taped around the hula hoops, the cardboard was spray-painted black to resemble soil and a brown ribbon was used as a suspender. The brown paper was cut into strips and crinkled, taped together and made into a vest I could put my arms through and cinched together at the front. Weaved some ivy through the paper and put a few sprigs in my hair which I rolled and then placed in a bun, and voila, Baby Groot. My boyfriend went as Rocket but his costume was mostly made from a kid’s costume and then the pants were made from fur-like fabric from the fabric store.

It was a little frustrating trying to decide how to do the ‘bark’ but generally it came out really well and got a lot of laughs and “awesomes” at the Halloween party we attended. Plus I got to bust some moves as Baby Groot. The only downside was the top hula hoop and trying to walk through a crowd as I bumped a lot of people but the cardboard ‘soil’ served as a great tray I could rest my food on!

Awesome Baby Groot Costume for a Grown Woman

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