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Awesome Gossamer and Bugs Bunny Costume

So we had never really seen a Gossamer costume, except for maybe cosplay, and we wanted to give it a shot this year.  As a natural companion, I decided to go with Bugs Bunny.  We got a lot of really great feedback from people. Even young children still knew who Bugs Bunny was, which I found surprising. Adults and older folks were more familiar with our costume duo, shouting “monsters must lead such INTERESTING lives,” and laughing with us.

For the Gossamer costume, we used a ton of red fur fabric that I sewed together in a basic shape.  Sort of like a giant sock. We cut out holes for the arms and sewed together basic tubes, then added that onto the main costume.

For his legs, we literally made a cut down the center at the bottom and used velcro to make the shape of legs.  We did this so that he could slip out of the costume from the bottom, so we didn’t have a giant seam in the back.  The head was the hardest

The head was the hardest part since he is a very tall character and has a heart shaped head at the top.  We used spray foam insulation over two cheap bowls to create that shape. Once it dried, it was really light weight, so we just glued a hat onto it and used a bit of ribbon for extra support (like a bonnet!) and that all went underneath the costume.

For mine, again…the head was the hardest part.  I wanted to go all the way and not just buy a cheap mask or do face paint. I used paper mache to make the head shape, then covered that in fabric. I cut out holes for the eyes and used white felt to fill them in (leaving a small hole to see out of.)  The mouth area is just white fur fabric stuffed with polyfill and a foam sheet glued to it. I made a separate little white fur shape for the snout and glued thick white foam outlined in black sharpie for the teeth.

It came out better than I had expected!  I wanted to capture his reaction when the monster comes up behind him from the cartoon. I made the “yipe!” sign out of poster board glued to a paint stirrer stick.

I really love these costumes, but I think next year I’ll remember to focus more on being able to see and breathe.. lol

Awesome Gossamer and Bugs Bunny Costume

Awesome Gossamer and Bugs Bunny Costume

Awesome Gossamer and Bugs Bunny Costume