I try to make my sons wheel chair part of his costume every year. He gets excited when he goes to school. There are always tons of kids and parents waiting for him to arrive so they can see his costume. A few costume from the past include a king in his throne. A bull dozer and Fred flinstone in his car. This year our whole family dressed as wizard of oz. my son Blske went as the wizard in the hotair balloon. My son is obsessed with balloons and always has been. Every year we ask him what he wants to be and he says balloon. So I promised him that his fifth grade year I would some how make him a balloon. i think about costumes months in advance. My dad helps me come up with ideas. My dad passed away August. 2013 so I was on my own. With the hot air balloon I got a 42 in beach ball and painted it. Then I painted PVC pipe and hula hoop to hold the balloon up. Then I used a cardboard box for the basket. And brown paper bags filled with news paper for sand bags. it took me a few months to finish it but it turned out great. Every where we went people wanted to take his picture. Everyone loved it. Thank you for letting me share my little guys costume.
Awesome Hot Air Balloon for Child’s Wheelchair Costume

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