This Is my my amazing little daughter Lacey aged 7 we are from Scotland (Edinburgh)…. we decided this year not to go with your average witch but a sea witch…. I searched online for an ursula costume for kids but nothing came up so thought screw it I will make it myself brave choice for me but it defiantly payed off! I sewed two underskirts together because ursula is a big lady and wanted that chunky effect lol… I then draped black material over the hoops and sewed them on cutting out jaggy triangles for the bottom… I then hand sewed all the tentacles using the black material and purple velvet then stuffing then with cushion stuffing and used mental coat hangers to bend the tentacles into the shape the needed to be and stuck little circles on each tentacle for the suckers… It took me a whole month to complete this project..but the main ingredient was blood sweat and tears as I stabbed myself more times than a pin cushion,Lacey crying as she had to stand for hours as I sewed all the tentacles on and the sweat well it did take me a whole month!! Lol…. We went to a party and she felt all shy and whispered mum why is everyone staring at me I whispered back because you have the best costume here. She won first place and after that she lapped it up and strutted her stuff on the dance floor! We then went to our local beach for the added picture effect cause every sea witch should be by the sea! Thanks for reading our costume story.. Lacey would love to see her picture out in the big World Wide Web 😊
Beautiful Ursula Costume

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