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Best Ash and Pika Pika Costumes Ever

I love couple costumes for Halloween and I love to be cute. We are not nerdy people but this costume was perfect for us. My boyfriend is a gamer and I love being any kind of cute animal. I made this Ash jacket and poke ball koozie. I took a blue button down and a white collar shirt to make his jacket. I switched collars and sleeves from the white shirt to attach to the blue button down. I was able to find the perfect yellow dress and used foam to create my ears and tail.

We knew that Ash wouldn’t be complete without his poke ball and it would have been annoying to carry it around all night. So that is why I made it into a koozie that both cans and bottles hit into. The poke ball is a foam ball that was cut through the middle it made the perfect accessory. Also I purchased the hat from Ebay for $10 which included shipping! Altogether both costumes were about $30 and they were a hit! My favorite part of the time was being able to use Pokemon catch phrases, like “Pikachu, I choose you!”.

The hardest part of the costume was trying to sew together the jacket. It was challenging but it was two different shirts coming together to make one. Luckily I have a sewing machine that I was able to use. I hope to win for my creativity and how hard I worked on this costume to make it perfect!

We went to a family members Halloween party so there was no contest but if there was we would have “caught them all” Everyone told us how cute we looked and what a great couples costume it was. My ears were so tall I couldn’t even wear them in the car! It was truly an adorable costume and everyone knew what we were! I hate walking into a party and being asked “Who are you?” with this costume that never happened!

Thanks for considering us for the win and I hope you see that we are the cutest Ash Ketchum and Pika Pika ever!

Best Ash and Pika Pika Costumes Ever

Best Ash and Pika Pika Costumes Ever

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