Home » Spooky, Gory, Dark & Scary Costumes » Bloody Zipper Face Makeup and Costume

Bloody Zipper Face Makeup and Costume

Although this is a homemade costume, this image may be disturbing or sensitive to some viewers.

This costume was so grosse looking yet so convincing-got a great response from everyone! All I did was watch a few tutorials and picked the one I liked best. Went to the fabric store bought a zipper. Bought a small bottle of latex and fake blood. I also wore false eyelashes a black leather zipper vest and black mini skirt with fishnet  stockings and boots. I bought a few smaller zippers for arms and leg area.

The zipper for your face needs to be long to reach your chest for full effect. I used spirit gum to adhere the zipped zipper to my forehead towards my nose and left it unzipped from between my eyes down towards my chest.

I built up some latex skin for the real loose look by painting on an inch or so wide latex line along where I was going to glue the zipper to my face. I did that by painting on a layer of latex and ripping of a thin single layer of toilet paper and placing it over the wet latex and drying each layer with a cool blow dryer. Then one you feel you have enough you glue the zipper to the edge of fake skin closest to your mouth and let it dry. Then you slowly pull the fake skin away from your face to loosen it but not all the way so it comes off. Then once dry paint red paint and blood to inside wall of fake skin and all exposed skin inside zipper area. I did the same thing with the smaller zippers on my legs and arms without pulling them looae. They looked like zipper wounds.

I did the rest if my make up normal and put the false lashes on. Everyone thought I had some kind of mask on my face- they would stop me and ask what  movie I was from- lol how did I get that affect? It was the best reaction ever. From behind I looked sexy and when I turned around I got disgust! What a mix of reaction! I had a lot of fun with this costume and would do it again! Have fun with it! Happy Halloween!

Although this is a homemade costume, this image may be disturbing or sensitive to some viewers.

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