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Bobble Head Silent Hill Nurse Costume – Entirely Homemade

Although this is a homemade costume, this image may be disturbing or sensitive to some viewers.

Every year I attend a local Pub Crawl and go all out with my costume! Last year I created a decomposing Cheshire cat costume; this year, I knew I needed to go bigger and better. I decided to make my own bobble head nurse costume from Silent Hill.

I made the mask out of plaster; I put a plastic bag over my face (yes, I know dumb, but I did cut out eye holes and a mouth hole :) then I laid out the plaster to form to my face. After it was dry (on my face) I realized I had no idea how to get it off my face! I called my husband in a panic and had to have him come home and cut the back of the mask so I could get it off! I’m an amateur and was completely winging this… Once that was done, I let it dry, added more plaster and finished it off with acrylic paint. I completed the costume by drawing on different colored veins using waterproof eyeliner. The eyeliner soaked into my skin and did come off for 3 days afterwards. Try explaining to your boss and co-workers why you have a bunch of black lines on your arms and neck…

When I put the mask on a day before the pub crawl, I realized I did not create a mouth hole. Pretty dumb when the point of a pub crawl is to drink! I came up with a solution to create a long, clear, bendy straw that looked like an IV. I put the straw through my eye hole and would bend it down to my mouth. During the pub crawl, people would stop me left and right asking to take their picture with me! The bobble head, silent nurse mask and costume was a hit. I was not sure if people would really get who I was, but everywhere I went, people would tell me how great it was and how “out of the box” I went with my costume. There weren’t many people there that didn’t know who I was, and if they didn’t, they came up to me and asked me about it. 

I create my costumes every year and never wear the same costume more than once. Next year, bigger and better! I’ve got ideas on the drawing board already! I would love to get recognized on the Silent Nurse costume and hopefully make some money back that I spent making it. :) :) 

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