I had this idea in my head for years, but didn’t have the ambition to put it together until this year. I had a plan in my head and just envisioned a bag of balloons, a red skirt and hat and viola-a bubble gum machine. I got the skirt at a second hand store and pinned it at the waist, so instead of floor length it went to knees. I had a white shirt. I bought the hat and added a silver foil circle at the top.
A friend said I should tape to bags inside of each other and fill with the balls instead of having to fill the gumball machine while I was wearing it. That made it portable so I could drive without the balls. I cut a hole for the head and arms, and slipped on over head. The silver dispenser area is simply cardboard with foil and clear tape, and a flap that is tucked in my shirt. Glue a ball on the chute, put a quarter in the slot and I am a gumball machine. I handed out gumballs at work.
The costume cost $16.00, plus a quarter. Easy to make, and fun to wear, got lots of compliments.
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