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But Mom I Don’t Have a Costume! Very Last-Minute Glowing Stickman Costume

Yeah, those are words you should never utter around me.  As a kid my mother never “bought” us costumes per say.  We always got random items on clearance (ie. My awesome blue glitter wig that I used every year to be an alien, a rock star, one of the Jem’s Holograms etc) .

This last Halloween my ten year old son thought he was going to be the cool kid and about two weeks before Halloween he uttered the following “I am too old for trick or treating, I don’t even want a costume”  Now you can imagine my shock at this comment.  Halloween is the only holiday I actually look forward too!!  However; I appeased him and replied “ OK, but you’re going to change your mind”.  To which he scoffed, and continued killing zombies Xbox style.

Fast forward to Halloween evening. “Mom, all my friends are going trick or treating, can you take me to the store to buy a costume?”  I looked at him with that “I told you so” look that only a mother can give and replied “I thought you were “too cool” for Halloween costumes”.  Again I got that scoff, however; this time it was more like a “really you are going to do this to me, cant we just go to the store?”.

As he gave me that “but PULEEEEAASE” look I went to the all knowing JUNK DRAWER  and pulled out several rolls of tape. I turned to my lovely child and said “go put on black pants and a black sweater. I grabbed the scissors and this is what happened. Front and back stick figure, yes I am that awesome.  He won a costume contest that he wasn’t even entered in!  He stopped to trick or treat at a house that was having a party, they liked his costume so much that they gave him the prize.  A $50 gift card to Target.  This looked great walking down a dark street and all you could see was the green tape.

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