0riginal Costumes
Coolest Homemade 0riginal Costumes
Homemade Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head Costume
No patterns were used for these costumes. Just a lot of fabric, determination and trial and error! Very fun charachters to dress up as!
Coolest Homemade Basketball Pregnancy Costume
You’ve already scored once, may as well do it again! I thought my big, pregnant belly had relegated me to a “Homer Simpson” costume but when I couldn’t find a Homer mask (I live in Italy) I had to get creative. Everyone is always telling me how my pregnant stomach looks like a basketball so … Read more
Coolest Homemade Baby Escaping Pregnant Belly Costume
I was about 6 months pregnant on Halloween, so my husband decided that the coolest homemade costume would be one that made it look like the baby was trying to escape from the womb! We took the arm from an old baby doll and duct taped it to my belly. Then, he added fake skin … Read more
Coolest Homemade Box of Free Kittens Wheelchair Costume
Years ago we read a suggestion in Exceptional Parent magazine to incorporate the wheelchair into the Halloween costume. We’ve had lots of fun doing just that! We did this Box of Free Kittens Wheelchair Costume when Sarah was six and Christopher was just a year old. It won a prize for “Most Creative Costume” at … Read more
Homemade Sheriff and Lightning McQueen Costumes from the Movie Cars
Both costumes were made by Nicolle Driscoll their 72 yr old Grandmother.She took 2 cardboard boxes spray painted them cut the holes where they are standing with a pie tin.took medicine bottles and put 1 flashlight in the middle bottle for a siren,took 2 flashlights for headlights. She took a marker to make the faces, … Read more
Homemade Snowflake and Up Costume
Hi. For the first time me and my boyfriend made our own Halloween costume. I was a “snowflake” and my boyfriend was “Russell” from the movie UP. My snowflake costume started out as a $20 minidress and $3.00 Knee-high socks from TJ Max. I went to Michael’s and bought Christmas tree decoration that is shaped … Read more
Coolest Homemade Snow White and Doc the Dwarf Couple Costume
I bought a child’s snow white costume and added lace at the bottom due to the face that it was a bit short for me. I also bought the wig and white thigh highs to go with the look. However, my boyfriend’s costume was completely homemade. He wore a pair of brown trouser pants with … Read more
Homemade Oompa Loompa Costume
My name is Ashley and one year I was an Oompa Loompa from charlie and the chocolate factory. I had my grandma make white overalls with crossed straps. Then we found a shirt that was dark brown with long sleeves,after that was done we got hair spray(you can get this at almost any store that … Read more
Homemade Lake Fairy Costume
I made this costume a few years ago, just for a photoshoot and a documentation. I used some textiles, I needled them. I colored some of them with batik textil-paint. For the jewelery I used pearls and braids.
Coolest Homemade Genie on a Magic Carpet Costume
My daughter Oksana was the coolest homemade Genie floating on a Magic Carpet. She wore dark pants over her “real legs” to hide them. Her “genie legs” were stuffed with plastic bags and fake shoes were added. These fake shoes were cardboard cut-outs, wrapped in tin foil and spray painted gold. The magic carpet was … Read more
Coolest Homemade Krampus Costume
Krampus is a traditional creature of German/Austrian pre-christian origin. Typically large groups of Krampus would descend upon towns and villages on December 5th and punish the naughty children and wicked adults, then the following night Saint Nikolaus would come and give candy and gifts to the good children. Here in America, Krampus could surely find … Read more