Cool Three Little Pigs Costume

Homemade Three Little Pigs Costume

We needed a group costume for just the three of us at work, so we decided to do the Homemade Three Little Pigs Costume! We each wore pink sweatshirts and sweatpants, pig noses that we bought, and our ears were just made out of felt and sewn onto headbands. Piggy on the left (Krystal) carried … Read more

Coolest Homemade Peacock Costume

Homemade Peacock Costume

I really wanted something pretty and elegant for my little one and a half year old and I love tutus so I decided on a homemade peacock costume after combing the internet for ideas. I found some that were made to look more like the actual bird but I wanted gorgeous, girly, but still recognizable … Read more

Coolest Baby Flamingo DIY Costume

Baby Flamingo DIY Costume

So I bought my daughter some puppets and her favorite one was the flamingo. This poor flamingo puppet endured many, many, beak biting sessions from my 10 & 1/2 month old. She constantly slobbered all over this poor birds beak and I would have to hide him from her so he could dry out. So … Read more

Cutest Homemade Peacock Costume

Homemade Peacock Costume

For this homemade peacock costume I got my dress from a hand-me-down store, originally it was floor length, so I cut it up and made it a little shorter. I attached my feathers to a bouquet holder that I purchased at a craft store. My feathers I got on eBay from the user: lovelyfeather. They … Read more

Coolest Blue Bird with Baby Birds Costume

Homemade Blue bird with Baby Birds Costume

My daughter Zoe decided she wanted a Homemade Blue bird with Baby Birds Costume for Halloween. Following in the tradition from my mother in law, I decided to hand make her costume, no store bought costume would be accepted. The base outfit (for warmth and comfort) came in the form of a plain white tee, … Read more

Coolest Homemade Owl Costume for a Boy

Homemade Owl Costume

My son wanted to be an owl for Halloween so we looked online for ideas (including and this Homemade Owl Costume is what we came up with. I started with a brown sweatshirt. Cut out lots of feathers from different shades of brown felt. I did small and large feathers. Then I hot glued … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bird Costume Idea

Homemade Bird Costume Idea

My daughter asked to be a blue bird for Halloween last year. All I could think is how am I going to make a Halloween costume. We took a trip to the local fabric store and I showed her the simplicity pattern 3663. She told me before hand that she wanted a big beak so … Read more

Coolest Easter Chicken Costume

Homemade  Easter Chicken Costume

We needed a costume for our Easter concert. I was given the task to make this Easter Chicken Costume . So I searched the thrift stores and bought a large man’s yellow fleece, which I then removed the sleeves and sewed together to make trousers using a pattern from a pair of pyjama bottoms. Then … Read more

Coolest Dancing Ballerina Elephant Costume

Homemade Dancing Ballerina Elephant Costume

This year (2008) I made my daughter a Ballerina Elephant costume. I live in Ohio and needed something that would be warm for her but also pretty. I got the elephant costume from a sale. I bought the tutu off of eBay. I then bought a bunch of pink roses to match the tutu. I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Owl Costume

Homemade Owl Costume

The Owl I was inspired to make this Homemade Owl Costume by goggles and my neighborhood owl who ‘hoots’ me to sleep at night. The goggles are 1930’s motorcycle goggles with glass lenses I found on eBay. In order to attach the feathers without permanently damaging my new vintage goggles, I felted an old wool … Read more

Pretty as a Peacock Costume

This year I was a peacock and it was a big hit! I wore a simple, short black dress, a gold belt, gold shimmery stockings, and high heels. I did up my eyes with blues, teals, purples and green and wore some cool feather eyelashes. I made a pin out of some feathers and pinned … Read more

Sexy and Fun Homemade Peacock Costume

Homemade Peacock Costume

I wanted a sexy and fun costume for Halloween so I decided to dress up as my favorite bird, a Peacock Costume. The costume was a bit of a challenge at first as I wanted to have the tail fan out as well as lay down. I wasn’t able to come up with a light-weight … Read more