Animal Costumes
600+ Awesome Animal Costumes
Cool Peacock Halloween DIY Costume
I love doing homemade and original Halloween costumes. I thought of peacock, and discovered that this was not an original costume this year. (I didn’t personally run into any other peacocks, but heard about many others.) It was still a lot of fun, though, and everyone who saw the Homemade Peacock Costume was hugely impressed. … Read more
Cool Peacock DIY Halloween Costume
I started this October out with numerous different ideas…GaGa, Katy Perry, Queen of Hearts. I just couldn’t decide what I wanted to be. My goal was to win my work Halloween costume contest (which I did!). I first went with Queen of Hearts and while searching for accessories I came across Peacock Wings (which seems … Read more
Coolest Homemade Black Cat Costume
This homemade black cat costume I made for my granddaughter, and it was a huge hit! It was so easy and inexpensive to make. I sewed MANY black boas on a black turtle neck shirt and also on black leggings (doing this by hand was a lot easier than with a sewing machine). She wore … Read more
Coolest Homemade Girl’s Peacock Costume
To begin my daughter asked me if I could make her a Princess Peacock costume for Halloween. I realized then I had my work cut out for me! But after several months with the help of my friend we got it done and it looked amazing. First we found some silk material in greens and … Read more
Coolest Peacock Costume Idea
There were several stages to the Homemade Peacock Costume Idea. I made everything except the corset (this, I only adorned). The tutu: I bought approx. three yard of tulle in each gold, royal blue, and forest green. I cut each into strips- 15 inches in length, 4 inches in width (give or take a few). … Read more
Coolest Toddler Beaver Costume
This Homemade Toddler Beaver Costume started with s brown zip up hoodie & brown sweat pants. I then purchased some faux fur which I cut for a patch on the chest, cut strips for the cuffs, a couple smaller strip for eyebrow & a strip to put around the tail in the back. Oh, and … Read more
Coolest Homemade Jedi Bat Chicken Costume
Marco, age 6, didn’t want to be an ordinary chicken. He wanted to be the most respected superhero chicken. He wanted a Homemade Jedi Bat Chicken Costume! The costume is made of a white leotard for the body, white boas for the feathers, red stockings for the legs, rubber gloves for the feet and, of … Read more
Coolest Palm Treen and Flamingo Costumes
My three year old daughter really wanted to be a flamingo so she could dye her hair pink. Once that was established we had to come up with a costume for her younger sister. Nothing fit better than a little palm tree. What a cute pair! We were missing the ocean and east coast out … Read more
Coolest Owl Costume
I decided I wanted to be an Owl for Halloween. I was not looking to purchase a costume, but rather create my own Homemade Owl Costume. After looking through many websites of other people’s home made owl costumes I began to create my own. What I needed: a variety of brown fabrics, scissors, hot glue … Read more
Coolest Peacock Costume with Carton Box Feather Fan
I had this giant box and didn’t know what to do with it. Since I’m vegan, I wanted to make a peacock costume without actually using any feathers. I ended up just cutting out individual feathers from the cardboard and taping them together with strong duct tape and bamboo garden poles. This allowed them to … Read more
Coolest Homemade Peacock Halloween Costume Idea
As I’ve wanted to be a peacock for years, I finally took the plunge and went for this homemade peacock Halloween costume idea this Halloween! I ordered over 200 feathers online and worked day in and day out for three weeks straight. It was certainly a hit at every party I attended so Ill share … Read more