Coolest Homemade Flamingo Costume

Homemade Flamingo Costume

For our brother’s 21st birthday we decided to have an Animal Party Pub Crawl. I couldn’t find an animal costume that I loved enough to buy so I decided to be original and make my own! I found a pattern for a child’s homemade flamingo costume that I thought was really cute – when cutting … Read more

Coolest Homemade Zebra Adult Costume Idea

Homemade Zebra Adult Costume Idea

As an animal lover, I decided on a Homemade Zebra Adult Costume Idea for Halloween. This is a really cheap costume idea if you are tight on cash like me! I’ll start from the top. I bought a wide headband from the dollar store for $1 (big surprise I know). Then I covered it with … Read more

Coolest Home Made Porcupine Costume

Home Made Porcupine Costume

What?? Porcupine?? It all started when my son was in first grade. Being known as the parent that could never say “no”, I was asked to chair the costume committee for the first grade play. We were given a t-shirt and baseball cap to match the color of each character. The characters ranged from cats … Read more

Cool Homemade Peacock Halloween Costume

Coolest Homemade Peacock Costume

Last year, I worked at a Halloween shop which gave me ZERO time to sit down and make a costume. So, I looked on Ebay for a cheap corset, and TONS of peacock feathers. The max total was $26! WOOHOO 1. I cut a square out of a cardboard box (that would fit behind my … Read more

Cute DIY Owl Costume

Homemade Owl Costume

My five year old wanted to be an owl but I can’t sew. I managed to get this ensemble together with about $20 worth of felt, foam board, ribbon, craft feathers, and a cheap pair of plastic novelty glasses (with the plastic lenses popped out). Other items used to construct the owl costume: x-acto knife, … Read more

Coolest American Bald Eagle Costume

Homemade American Bald Eagle Costume

I try to make my son’s Halloween costume every year (mainly so he has something unique) and this year we decided to make him an American Bald Eagle sitting in a nest. Using a gray hooded sweatshirt, we began sticking feathers to the sweatshirt using spray adhesive. Once feathers were covering the entire sweatshirt, I … Read more

Coolest Pittsburgh Aviary’s Finest Birds Group Costume

Homemade Pittsburgh Aviary's Finest Birds Group Costume

My friends and I were trying to be different or at least make a homemade version of a popular costume and take it up a notch. My friends got a great idea to be peacocks and since I have to be different I decided to be a flamingo. In Pittsburgh the aviary is very popular … Read more

Coolest Homemade Baby Cow Costume

Homemade Baby Cow Costume

This is Kai in a Homemade Baby Cow Costume. Kai is a very fun and energetic 5 month old baby. Kai decided to become a cow this year because he is always getting called chubby. His utters light up as he Mooooves through the night. This is Kai’s first Halloween this year and instead of … Read more

Original Homemade Giraffe Costume

Homemade Giraffe Costume

My giraffe costume is made up into 6 different pieces. 4 stilts (one for each arm and leg), a neck/head piece, and a body piece. The back legs are construction boots connected to brackets on wood that creates a 3 foot stilt. The front legs are crutches that are extended 3 1/2 feet. All of … Read more

Pretty Homemade Peacock Costume Idea

Homemade Peacock Costume

I love peacocks. So, naturally, I wanted to be a peacock for Halloween. When I went online to purchase a Peacock Costume, all I could find was one style that was completely cheesy (think $10 Vegas showgirl costume with painted on feathers, yuck). So I just decided to make my own. First, I picked out … Read more

Coolest DIY Peacock Halloween Costume for a Woman

DIY Peacock Halloween Costume Idea

My coolest DIY peacock Halloween costume was inspired when I was trying to think of something different and pretty and original for my Halloween costume this year. It’s been awhile since I dressed up, the last time I was a tree (not a Christmas tree, but the talking tree in Pocahontas). However, I didn’t have … Read more

Homemade Peacock Costume Idea

Coolest Peacock Costume

My Peacock costume took a ton of blood, sweat and tears to make. Originally I wanted to get a peacock tattoo. Peacocks symbolize awakening, immortality, refinement, and incorruptibility. I decided to do a Halloween costume instead because it was vibrant, relatively original, and not quite as permanent as a tattoo. The corset top (obviously too … Read more