Impressive DIY Peacock Costume

Homemade Peacock Costume

Well, I don’t believe there is a more beautiful, exotic animal on this earth than the colorful and flamboyant Peacock! So, I thought…what a great costume idea! I got online and went crazy buying tons of “CRUELTY FREE” peacock feathers, and hit up the craft stores for other fake feathers. I just bought a padded … Read more

Coolest Homemade Peacock Bird Costume

Homemade Peacock Bird Costume

My wife and I where looking for the most original costume for our daughter and we bumped into the peacock bird. Since that moment we decided to look for feathers and a fabric that matched the color of the bird. Finally we found everything we neede and the hard and complicated part was to put … Read more

Cool DIY Peacock Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Peacock Halloween Costume Idea

For this homemade Peacock Halloween costume idea I bought over 500 peacock feathers online, hot glued them to ostrich feathers and then sewed and hot glued them to cardboard and then glued them to a fan. I covered my old corset in feathers and and old petticoat as well (for the skirt & shirt). I … Read more

DIY Peacock Costume

Homemade Peacock Costume

I live by the motto “it’s better to DIY.” So, naturally, I wanted to be something somewhat original this Halloween. The whole process of making this Homemade Peacock Costume (from planning and shopping, to actually constructing the costume) took about two weeks. My first mission was to find a royal blue dress, and not to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Peacock Adult Halloween Costume

Homemade Peacock Adult Halloween Costume

I woke up two days before Halloween and decided that I wanted a Homemade Peacock Adult Halloween Costume this year! But I wanted to be original and not spend too much money. I had the top from years back which worked really well as it looked like the skin of a peacock with its iridescent … Read more

Cute Homemade Peacock Costume with Peacock Feathers

Homemade Peacock Costume

I present to you a Homemade Peacock Costume, which I made for Halloween two years ago. I purchased a bodice and coated it with genuine blue peacock feather covered ribbons. The laces have to be loosened until the bodice, is wide enough to fit around the body. In addition I proceeded to sew in some … Read more

Cutest Every DIY Peacock Costume

Homemade Peacock Costume

Here are the details of how I put this Homemade Peacock Costume together: Body Suite: For the body suit I used a one piece body suit that unsnaps at the crotch area (makes it easier to go the the bathroom). I purchased real peacock feathers and just cut the end off so all I was … Read more

Coolest Peacock Costume with Carton Box Feather Fan

Homemade Peacock Costume

I had this giant box and didn’t know what to do with it. Since I’m vegan, I wanted to make a peacock costume without actually using any feathers. I ended up just cutting out individual feathers from the cardboard and taping them together with strong duct tape and bamboo garden poles. This allowed them to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Peacock Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Peacock Halloween Costume Idea

As I’ve wanted to be a peacock for years, I finally took the plunge and went for this homemade peacock Halloween costume idea this Halloween! I ordered over 200 feathers online and worked day in and day out for three weeks straight. It was certainly a hit at every party I attended so Ill share … Read more

Coolest Child’s Peacock Costume

Homemade Child's Peacock Costume

We knew since March that my daughter wanted to be a peacock but when shopping online and at craft stores the feathers were kind of expensive. I lucked into an Amish discount store that sold me all the peacock feathers they had for $20. I was so excited. I started out by taking one of … Read more