Awesome Homemade Purple People Eater Costume

Awesome Homemade Purple People Eater Costume

It all started when I was young. I loved Halloween. It was a day full of color, kids dressed up and happy. Belly’s full of candy. What more can a kid ask for! I loved all the costume characters, especially the home made ones, how unique they were, how no one else had them but … Read more

Coolest Homemade Purple People Eater Costume

Coolest Homemade Purple People Eater Costume

After building several other large originals thru the years, I thought how about the one costume that has it’s own song but rarely ever seen ? It’s an oldie but a goodie, throw back Halloween, the Monster that started it all,  the 1 eyed, 1 horned, flying purple people eater. So I listened to the … Read more

Cool Homemade Purple People Eater Costume

Cool Homemade Purple People Eater Costume

I was a one-eyed, one-horned flyin’ purple people eater! This costume was the life of the party with so many people stopping to ask if they could take a picture with me. What a night! If you look closely, the outfit is suposed to be the Purple People Eater holding its next vicitim while eating … Read more

Coolest One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater Costume

Coolest One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater Costume 4

I got this One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater Costume idea from the song, obviously. It was a hit, although some people didn’t know what it was which boggled my mind. I bought the dress from Forever 21, but any purple dress, or purple attire will work for this. I also purchased purple … Read more

Coolest People Eater Costume

One eyed one horn flying purple people eater costume

For this costume I used a bowl for the eye, I attached it to fake purple fur, which I stuffed with a pillow. To the eye I added eyelashes, and a iris. I made fangs out of foam, I then attached a fake hand, and some gel blood. The horn was foam, a big foam … Read more

Coolest Homemade Purple People Eater Halloween Costume

Homemade Purple People Eater Halloween Costume

(“The Purple People Eater” is a novelty song, written and performed by Sheb Wooley, that reached #1 in the Billboard pop charts in 1958…) Well I needed a costume for Halloween night… I pulled out an old dress and thought, “This will do all right”, I commenced to shakin’ and I said “ooh-eee”, It looks … Read more

Cool Purple People Eater Costume

Homemade Purple People Eater Costume

This Homemade Purple People Eater Costume was pretty simple to make. I bought a viking hat and removed one horn. I glued a purple boa on to it and wore it sideways on my head so the one horn was facing front. I made the one eye out of craft foam sheets and glued it … Read more

Coolest Purple People Eater Costume

Homemade Purple People Eater Costume

My daughter came up with the idea of a Purple People Eater Costume. To make this costume I paper mached a punching ballon for the head, we used newspaper and painted it purple when it dried. I cut a hole in the center for the eye, hot glued a black piece of tulle on the … Read more