Coolest Sarah Palin Costume Idea

Sarah Palin Costume Idea

I was inspired by Tina Fey to be Sarah Palin in 2008 and it was a blast! I walked around the whole night saying things like “I can see Russia from my house!” and reciting all of Sarah’s children’s names. I’m told I do an excellent Palin imitation and this Sarah Palin Costume Idea was … Read more

Coolest Homemade Sarah Palin Costume

Homemade Sarah Palin Costume

When thinking about a celeb who was famous for wearing specs in the run up to Halloween 2008, there was only really one topical contender; Alaska’s finest, Sarah Palin. So I made myself a Homemade Sarah Palin Costume. I bought a cheap red blazer from eBay and pinned it at the back to make it … Read more

Coolest Sarah Palin Homemade Halloween Costume

Sarah Palin Homemade Halloween Costume

This is my Sarah Palin Homemade Halloween Costume. I wore a feminine business suit like she does: red heals, black slacks, bright red top, and a tan and red suit jacket. I wore an up-do with side bangs and glasses to top off the Sarah Palin image. I also spoke in ‘Palin’ the whole night … Read more

Coolest Sarah Palin Costume

Homemade Sarah Palin Costume

I spent a lot of time on my Sarah Palin Costume. I don’t have bangs, but I was able to sweep my hair to the side in front to make it look like i had bangs. I also made a sash that said ‘runner up miss Alaska’. Since it was a few days before the … Read more