Awesome Joker Halloween Costume

Joker Halloween Costume

To make the Joker Halloween costume (the Jack Nicholson version)I had to find a light coloured jacket to fit a 7 year old as I do not sew. This was no easy task as I did not want to spend a lot of money. I searched everywhere and finally found one in a charity shop. … Read more

DIY Joker Costume

The Joker Costume

Halloween has always been my Christmas so I decided that last year I would go as one of my favorite villains. I based the look of the Joker costume on the comic book Joker instead of any of the films designs. I picked up the purple suit in the ladies section of a charity shop … Read more

Coolest Joker Halloween Costume

Joker Halloween Costume

This Joker Halloween costume was originally intended for a student film, however since Halloween was around the corner we decided, “why not use it for a Halloween costume as well!?” My friends and I were and still are such great fans of the late Heath Ledger’s performance as the “Joker” that it inspired us to … Read more

Cool Joker Halloween Costume

Joker Halloween Costume

Spent long hours, shopping at Goodwill and Marshalls for an outfit for this Joker Halloween costume. Bought a white peacoat and dyed that and the pants purple. Cut a woman’s suit jacket into a vest and sewed on buttons. Scuffed up the shoes, cut long blond curly hair wig to make it joker like, greasy, … Read more

Coolest Evil Joker Costume

Homemade Evil Joker Costume

I currently am a Substitute Teacher in the Huntington Union Free School District. Teaching is a great profession and I was notified that I would be teaching on October 31st, 2008. Every year the staff at the school where I work dress up as his/her favorite theme or character that he/she adores. This year, I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Joker and Mime Costumes

Homemade Joker and Mime Costumes

I decided to dress up as the Joker from Batman the Dark Knight and my boyfriend as a mime. The Joker is my all time favorite villain. For the Joker costume, I used green hair dye, red, white, and black face paint, and old clothes. The old clothes I used were purple slacks, a purple … Read more