Pretty Handmade Poison Ivy Costume

Homemade Poison Ivy Costume

I hand made this Homemade Poison Ivy Costume and it took me about a month to do it. I first started with an old green leotard I had and sewed on hundreds of fake leaves I had ripped off of fake flowers and plants. This process took the longest by far. I purchased the green … Read more

Cute Poison Ivy Halloween Costume

Homemade Poison Ivy Costume

I decided to create my own Homemade Poison Ivy Costume mainly because I couldn’t afford the expensive yet not so great costumes! I bought a white corset, white shorts, white fish nets, and white gloves. From there a lot of leaves and green paint and BaM!!! Lol all that was left was me in it … Read more

Coolest Poison Ivy Halloween Cotume

Poison Ivy Halloween Costume

After checking out the pretty awful Poison Ivy costumes in stores this year, I thought it would be much better, and a lot more fun, to make my own Poison Ivy Halloween costume. I bought a green leotard, green tights, green satin gloves, a bright reddish-orange wig, and some fake ivy leaves. I sewed some … Read more

Coolest Poison Ivy Costume with Over 1000 Silk Leaves

Homemade Poison Ivy Costume

This is my Homemade Poison Ivy Costume. Over 1000 silk leaves were used to create it. I found an old bodice, bathing suit bottoms, and a pair of boots, along with a green curtain for a cape, at a local thrift store and used hot glue to attach the individual leaves to each piece. I … Read more

Cool Homemade Poison Ivy from Batman Costume

Homemade Poison Ivy from Batman Costume

I wanted to be Poison Ivy for Halloween this year but I couldn’t find a decent costume anywhere so I decided to make a Homemade Poison Ivy from Batman Costume. I bought a nude corset and made a simple skirt. I then bought a bunch of fake plants with different-sized leaves which compared with photos … Read more

Coolest Last-Minute Poison Ivy Costume

Homemade Last-Minute Poison Ivy Costume

This Poison Ivy costume was actually a last minute idea. I thought of characters I could dress up as that also had intense red hair , so I thought Poison Ivy from Batman would be perfect. I had to purchase a few things to begin with, such as: – Green metallic leggings – Green body … Read more

Hand-Crafted Poison Ivy Costume

Homemade Poison Ivy Costume

I wanted to be Poison Ivy but I couldn’t find a decent costume anywhere so I begun to shop like crazy with about a month or less left until Halloween. I walked into Wet Seal and went to their clearance rack and saw the perfect green dress that was only 6 or 7 bucks. (This … Read more

Coolest Poison Ivy DIY Costume

Homemade Poison Ivy Costume

This was my wives wedding dress. Was converted into a Homemade Poison Ivy Costume. All material is handmade based off the Batman forever ensemble. The material for the mini-dress was originally her wedding dress. I hope the viewers appreciate her attention to detail as much as I do.

Creative Homemade Poison Ivy Costume

Homemade Poison Ivy Costume

I had the same problem as another member on the site when trying to find a Poison Ivy costume to buy – they were terrible!! So I decided to make one myself. I’m from the UK but as I couldn’t find the right ivy fabric over here, I found some on the internet and had … Read more

Coolest Homemade Poison Ivy Halloween Costume

Homemade Poison Ivy Halloween Costume

Hollywood ain’t got nothing’ on me! Just kidding. I made this Homemade Poison Ivy Halloween Costume because I was sick of the LAME Poison Ivy costumes I’ve seen in the stores and on the web. She’s supposed to be wicked cool, sexy and mysterious. Not, and I repeat NOT just a chick wearing green with … Read more

Coolest Homemade Poison Ivy from Batman Costume

Homemade Poison Ivy from Batman Costume

My friend was obsessed with Batman after the latest movie came out. So of course he wanted a Batman Costume and so my other friend and I obviously wanted to be his Villians. He pulled together a Penguin costume out of stuff in his closet and by stuffing his shirt with a pillow. I made … Read more

Coolest Homemade Poison Ivy Costume Design

Homemade Poison Ivy Costume Design

This was my rendition of a Poison Ivy Costume Design. The body suit, sleeves and skirt are made from a shimmer green, stretchy fabric, which was hand-sewn into a leotard shape. I used a second piece of the same fabric to create a skirt over the leotard, which was pinned together using safety pins. I … Read more