Cool Homemade Smurfette Halloween Costume

Homemade Smurfette Halloween Costume

I needed a costume for a Halloween party, I always loved Smurfette and I figured I’d give a try to make a Homemade Smurfette Halloween Costume The hardest part about the costume was getting the PERFECT Smurf blue. For my body I used white tights after dying them tiki blue. I then got regular white … Read more

Coolest Smurfs Group Costume

Homemade Smurfs Group Costume

The tights for all 3 Smurfs were bought online. Color medium blue. We used a grease facepaint, but had to mix two shades of blue to match the tights. The Smurf hats were bought. Smurfette’s shoes were platform disco shoes from the Halloween store, the dress she owned. Brainy was carrying around a real nice … Read more

Smurfette Costume

Smurfette Costume

I was so tired of finding nothing but trampy costumes for women. I wanted something cute and creative. So I created this Smurfette costume for our Halloween party last year. I was a huge fan of the Smurfs growing up and thought this would be fun to create. I made the hat out of fleece. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Smurfette Halloween Costume

Homemade Smurfette Halloween Costume

My boss gets us tickets every year for the Goodwill GridIron Halloween Charity Event hosted by the Baltimore Ravens. I wanted to wear a unique costume this year, and a Homemade Smurfette Halloween Costume popped into my head. My mother made the dress, hat and a pair of bloomers to wear underneath out of fleece … Read more

Coolest Papa Smurf and Smurfette Couple Costume

Homemade Papa Smurf and Smurfette Couple Costume

My name is Molly aka Smurfette. In September 2011 my boyfriend and I saw the new Smurf movie that came out. After we got out of the theater we were so pumped because I suggested that we have to dress up like Papa Smurf and Smurfette for Halloween. I went through many painful stages in … Read more

Cool Papa Smurf and Smurfette Costume

Papa Smurf and Smurfette Costume

My husband and I love to dress up and strive to be the best costume in town every year. My grandmother taught me how to sew when I was four or five years old and since then have always made my own Halloween costumes. This year’s Papa Smurf and Smurfette costume was by far my … Read more

Coolest Homemade Papa Smurf Costume

Homemade Papa Smurf Costume

Our homemade Papa Smurf Costume consists of a long-sleeved blue shirt and blue gloves, cotton balls attached to his face to create a beard, red jogging pants and a blue tail made from yarn. His hat is cut out and sewn into a little curved point, just like the Smurfs wear!

Coolest Kids Smurf Costumes

Homemade Kids Smurf Costumes

I really enjoy making my children’s costumes. After seeing my kids watch The Smurfs a million times, I knew exactly what they would be for Halloween. Smurfette: I used an old summer white dress, cut out a flower from felt and placed a blue circle in the middle. (taken from a leftover piece of Brainy’s … Read more

Coolest Papa Smurf Halloween Costume

Papa Smurf Halloween Costume

I found the red pants at a thrift store and then used a blue tank top I already owned. The hat is made of felt and stuffed with cotton that was left over from making pillows. I painted the beard on first with white grease paint then filled the rest in with blue grease paint … Read more

Cool Homemade Smurfette Costume

Homemade Smurfette Costume

Smurfette is blue – she has the blue long-sleeved shirt, blue gloves and blue stockings to create this effect. She has her cute little hat which was cut out of the same material as her dress. False hair was attached under the hat to give Smurfette the blonde hair. I made her tail out of … Read more

Coolest Smurfette and Handy Smurf Costumes

Homemade Smurfette and Handy Smurf Costumes

Starting these Homemade Smurfette and Handy Smurf Costumes from the top down: The hat is easiest to make out of a stretch Terry fabric (this one is made from an old baby towel). This way, it stretches to fit your head and doesn’t look as stiff as some of the other Smurf hats I have … Read more

Coolest Smurfette Homemade Costume

Coolest Smurfette Costume

I love to make creations, and since Halloween is one of my favorite things to celebrate in life I enjoyed creating. I thought what could I do that would be fabulous, of course a Smurfette Costume. I made the entire costume from the hat to the dress and of course I bought the perfect shoes. … Read more