Coolest Homemade South Park Group Costume

Being great South Park fans, my teenage sons had asked me to design Halloween costumes for them including Kenny, Kyle, Cartman, and Stan.  After

Being great South Park fans, my teenage sons had asked me to design Halloween costumes for them including Kenny, Kyle, Cartman, and Stan.  After spending a few days trying to figure out how to make them, I decided to go with paper mache.  My Dad had made Flintstone paper mache “heads” for our family 30 years ago and … Read more

Terrance and Philip South Park Halloween Costumes

Terrance and Philip South Park Halloween Costumes

The idea for these South Park Halloween costumes came to us hours before the party and took all of 3 hours total to make. That is just how we roll. I did all my shopping in one place, good ol’ Walmart. Instructions for Making South Park Halloween Costumes I bought two sweatshirts, one blue and one red. I purchased black … Read more

Cool No-Cost AWESOME-O Costume

Cool No-Cost AWESOME-O Costume

I spent $0 on this AWESOME-O costume. NO MONEY USED. :) My boyfriend couldn’t think of a costume idea so I suggested a character from South Park since he is a HUGE fan. I only had a day to make the costume and figured out I could use things around the house to make it … Read more

Coolest South Park AWESOM-O Costume

Coolest South Park AWESOM-O Costume

I was watching some South Park reruns while researching local Halloween events and became inspired! I decided to make my own costume, modeled after my favorite South Park character: A.W.E.S.O.M.-O! I had no clue where to start but I drove down to my local Walmart to get ideas. They were restocking their aisles at the … Read more

Last-Minute DIY Randy Marsh Costume

Last-Minute DIY Randy Marsh Costume

I made the face from poster board and construction paper. I first studied Randy Marsh’s face on google images. Then, I decided what facial expression I wanted to give him. After I chose it, I free handed the shape of his head with a pencil in the poster board. After that, I placed a large … Read more

Cool Homemade South Park Family Costumes

Cool Homemade South Park Family Costumes

Here’s how our South Park family costumes were made… So this is the fifth year that I have been making our family’s costumes from scratch. I think that this year is not only the best one yet, but also the funniest! Why? Well first of all, we literally live on the south side of our local park haha! … Read more

Awesome Awesom-O Costume from South Park

This year I went as Awesom-O from South Park. I went in a group with about 10 other people including the 4 main characters, Towelie, Mr. Hanky, Kyle&

This year I went as Awesom-O from South Park. I went in a group with about 10 other people including the 4 main characters, Towelie, Mr. Hanky, Kyle’s mom, and Mr. Garrison. I work at a Nursing Home and have access to adult incontinence brief boxes. I tore down the boxes and reconstructed the boxes … Read more

Best Homemade Towelie Costume Ever

I made this costume for my boyfriend the night we were going out dressed up. About 2 hours before we were going out. I was so excited to make it, but

I made this Towelie costume for my boyfriend the night we were going out dressed up, about 2 hours before we were going out. I was so excited to make it, but it ended up being a lot harder than I expected because of little things I hadn’t thought of, like how to keep the … Read more

Original Towelie from South Park Halloween Costume

I was Towelie from South Park for Halloween 2012 this year. I went with a group of 9 to make a pretty good South Park Family. I made this costume mys

I was Towelie from South Park for Halloween 2012 this year. I went with a group of 9 to make a pretty good South Park Family. I made this costume myself, and it was pretty easy actually, and around $40. My sister and I made it in one afternoon. We first got two blue towels … Read more

Funny South Park Satan Halloween Costume

While watching “South Park”, there was an episode call “Halloween 2008”, during the show Satan was featured to host a sweet 1

While watching “South Park”, there was an episode called “Halloween 2008”, during the show Satan was featured to host a sweet 16 Halloween party.  I figured if I could pull off a funny South Park Satan Halloween costume, it would be like a double costume. First, I had to put together the Satan costume.  For … Read more

Coolest Homemade Eric Cartman South Park Costume

Homemade Eric Cartman South Park Costume

I have wanted to be Eric Cartman for many Halloweens now, but until now have always grimaced at the amount of work it would take to do it “right”. Well I finally ponied up and made a Homemade Eric Cartman South Park Costume this year, and as advertised it took many, many hours. But it … Read more