Coolest Homemade Wall E Child Costume

Homemade Wall E Child Costume

My almost 3 year old son loves the Disney movie “Wall E” and wanted to be him for Halloween this year. My husband and I, therefore, embarked on the task of making him a Homemade Wall E Child Costume, all for the price of a little yellow paint. The rest of the costume was made … Read more

Coolest Homemade Wall-E Costume Idea

Coolest Homemade Wall-E Costume Idea

My son requested to be Wall-E for Halloween. Since there is not a store out there that sells this costume, my husband decided to make one. He started the process with a large cardboard box, duct tape, and creativity. With these materials he was able to create Wall-E’s body. From there he collected cardboard boxes, … Read more

Coolest Homemade Wall-E and Eve Couple Costume

ChHomemade Wall-E and Eve Couple Costume

We decided to dress up as Wall-E and Eve for this Halloween. Here is how we made our Homemade Wall-E and Eve Couple Costume: For Eve’s costume, I bought a white 22 gallon trash can with a push/swing lid. I cut a hole for the face and hot-glued the other side of the lid to … Read more

Coolest Wall E Costume Idea

Coolest Wall E Costume Idea 21

A flat-screen TV box was used for the body and tracks. This was folded and molded into itself to create a sturdy ‘just the right size’ body. We used Pringles cans for the arms and the fire extinguisher. The hands were made of duct tape and the top of the fire extinguisher was made from … Read more

Cute Homemade Wall-E Halloween Costume

Homemade Wall-E Halloween Costume

This Homemade Wall-E Halloween Costume was made by putting yellow posterboard on a box with spray adhesive. We used duct tape for the edges and rounded some of the edges on the bottom to make it look better. We put silver wrapping paper on the front and used construction paper to make a fan and … Read more

Cool Homemade Wall-E Halloween Costume

Homemade Wall-E Halloween Costume

Last year my daughter was obsessed with all things WALL-E. So, naturally, she wanted a Homemade Wall-E Halloween Costume. I found a costume by Disney, but it was way over priced and not that cute. I figured WALL-E is just a box, so I found the right size, that was not too bulky and spray … Read more

Cool Wall-e Costume

Homemade  Wall-E Costume

Here’s our try at Wall-e. He has a working audio player, playing the same music Wall-e did in the movie (I used an mp3 player with a portable speaker). The costume is wired with L.E.D. lighting in the eyes, laser between the eyes, and lighting for the environmental warning on the front. We made the … Read more

Coolest Wall-E Costume

Homemade Wall-E Costume

My son wanted to be Wall-E from the Disney Pixar film of the same name, more than anything. Not being particularly creative, I tried to convince him that Buzz Lightyear would be cool (a gasp! – store bought costume!). No go – he wanted Wall-E. My husband made his Wall-E costume from a box and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pixar’s Wall-E Costume

Homemade Pixar's Wall-E Costume

This is a Homemade Pixar’s Wall-E Costume that was put together with easy to find items. Body: The main body is a plain old box covered in textured wallpaper then painted yellow. I used copper and brown paint to dry-brush some scrapes/rust onto the body. For a rusted-through-metal look, I tore the wallpaper and painted … Read more

Coolest Homemade WALL-e and EVE Costumes

Homemade WALL-e and EVE Costumes

My kids love this movie, so it seemed the perfect choice for Halloween this year to make a Homemade WALL-e and EVE Costumes. Lots of cardboard, duct tape and hot glue! WALL-e started with a box, of course. Painted the box yellow, cut a head hole and arm holes. We printed the letters from the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Wall-E Halloween Costume

Homemade Wall-E Halloween Costume

Wall-E was created with the intention of being able to use my arms while still being able to roll around as much like Wall-E as possible. In order to do this I decided to use an office chair and build the Homemade Wall-E Halloween Costume around it, while using my feet to guide myself in … Read more

Coolest Homemade Cardboard Wall E Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Cardboard Wall E Halloween Costume Idea

We have built this costume from a packing box, acrylic paint, apple sauce cups, packing foam and few LEDs. All held together by a pile of hot glue. There was no plan. Entire Homemade Cardboard Wall E Halloween Costume Idea was a pure improvisation. But it turned out fine. It took about 2 weekends. Building … Read more