My Alter-Ego Mystique Homemade Halloween Costume

My Alter-Ego Mystique Homemade Halloween Costume: I actually decided last year that I would be Mystique for 2012 Halloween. I start preparing in April of 2012. I started with a blue full bodysuit. I t

I actually decided last year that I would be Mystique for 2012 Halloween. I start preparing in April of 2012. I started with a blue full bodysuit. I then purchased the red wig, contacts, and Fila Skele-toes. I searched as many Mystique costumes and videos that I could to determine what would work best for … Read more

The Best Costume I’ve Ever Made: Mystique

Like most people, I wanted to do something extra special for Halloween and I have always been a fan of making my own costumes for fancy dress events.

Like most people, I wanted to do something extra special for Halloween and I have always been a fan of making my own costumes for fancy dress events. It was actually through the brilliance of this site that I saw the processes some people went through to create a ‘Mystique’ costume, one of my all … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mystique Halloween Costume

Originally this year I wanted to be Jessica Rabbit from who framed Roger rabbit. But in April I went to a cancer fundraiser and spontaneously decided

Originally this year I wanted to be Jessica Rabbit from who framed Roger rabbit. But in April I went to a cancer fundraiser and spontaneously decided to shave my head  (I raised 1051 dollars in less than 5 min). But this caused me to have to change my idea of what I wanted to be … Read more

Cool Mystique Homemade Halloween Costume

1.I cut out \"scales\" from blue craft foam. I used scrapbooking punches and did some freehand cutting with scissors.2. I then used Fabri-Flex gl

This is how I made the coolest homemade Mystique Halloween costume: 1.  I cut out “scales” from blue craft foam. I used scrap booking punches and did some freehand cutting with scissors. 2.  I then used Fabri-Flex glue to glue the “scales” onto blue tulle fabric which were pre-cut to fit the areas I wanted … Read more

Hard Core X-Men’s Mystique Costume

Last year I decided to be Mystique from X-Men. I didn't just want to paint myself blue and wear a bikini though. I wanted to be HARD CORE and make p

Last year I decided to be Mystique from X-Men. I didn’t just want to paint myself blue and wear a bikini though. I wanted to be HARD CORE and make prosthetic pieces and look like Rebecca Romijn in the movies. After all, I was going to Heidi Klum’s Halloween Party in Las Vegas and only … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mystique from X-Men Costume

Homemade Mystique from X-Men Costume

This homemade Mystique from X-Men costume took us about a week to complete. We went to different dance stores looking for a navy blue leotard but no one had one in the store; we ended up buying a beige one and dyed it navy blue. We used fabric paint to make Mystique’s skin pattern. Each … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mystique Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Mystique Halloween Costume Idea

There was this costume competition at a night club and the theme was “comic book vs video game.” I had this idea to go as mystique from Marvel because I really like the homemade Mystique Halloween costume idea and that I didn’t think that anyone would think of it because of it being so hard … Read more

Awesome Homemade Mystique Halloween Costume

Homemade Mystique Halloween Costume

I get a phone call from an old friend and he says we need a Mystique costume in under 5 hours and we have latex paint and some clay. I replied “bring her over and we will give it a shot. Having never worked with latex I was excited at the opportunity. It also helped … Read more

Coolest X MEN Mystique DIY Costume

Homemade  X MEN Mystique DIY Costume

I decided I wanted to do something different this year…make a costume. I didn’t want just anything I can buy at the store so I started researching online. I wanted to go ALL OUT! I then found Mystique and I couldn’t get the idea out of my head! I knew however which way I would … Read more

Coolest Mystique from X Men Costume

Homemade Mystique from X Men Costume

I managed to buy a blue leotard as the base of my Mystique from X Men Costume from a dance shop. I then used ‘wonderweb’ to attach small scales in a darker coloured blue to the rest of the costume (using a picture of Mystique guidance) especially along the arms, hips and legs – these … Read more

Coolest Mystique Homemade Costume

Homemade Mystique Costume

First, I spent awhile making the physical outfit. I used a bikini bottom and a strapless bra. I bought foam pieces and cut them into various shapes that were similar to Mystique’s scales. I glued the pieces over the bra and swimsuit. I also had some foam sticking from the top of the bra, to … Read more