Coolest Mystique Halloween Costume

X Men Halloween Costume

Every year when choosing a costume I look for a strong, kick ass, female character. Preferably a Villain but not exclusively. I was in my office thinking up characters and came across Mystique. I automatically knew this was the character for me. Now once I told anyone that I was doing Mystique they all gave … Read more

Cool Mystique Costume

Coolest Mystique Costume 22

I purchased a royal blue morph suit online and cut the head along the seam and sowed at the neckline. Then drew onto the costume segments which were to be scale effect to the body with chalk. I glued sequins individually onto the top half of the breast design. This took around 2 hours! Then … Read more

Cool Homemade Mystique Costume

Homemade Mystique Costume

After a search for an awesome female villain, I decided on Mystique from X men because of her unique appearance. There aren’t many all blue characters out there! I love x men, and how mystique fights for the future of mutants. I started this Homemade Mystique Costume with a gold body suit that I bought … Read more

Cool DIY Mystique Costume

Homemade Mystique Costume

For my homemade Mystique costume, I bought a blue unitard after deciding that it was too cold where I live to use body paint or liquid latex. I cut scale-shaped pieces out of some shiny blue fabric I bought and used liquid latex to glue them onto the suit. I also painted the suit to … Read more