Awesome Homemade Mystique Halloween Costume

Homemade Mystique Halloween Costume

I get a phone call from an old friend and he says we need a Mystique costume in under 5 hours and we have latex paint and some clay. I replied “bring her over and we will give it a shot. Having never worked with latex I was excited at the opportunity. It also helped … Read more

Coolest X MEN Mystique DIY Costume

Homemade  X MEN Mystique DIY Costume

I decided I wanted to do something different this year…make a costume. I didn’t want just anything I can buy at the store so I started researching online. I wanted to go ALL OUT! I then found Mystique and I couldn’t get the idea out of my head! I knew however which way I would … Read more

Coolest Homemade Wolverine Halloween Costume

Homemade Wolverine Halloween Costume

My son wanted to wear a Wolverine costume for Halloween this year. However, he specified that he wanted to be dressed in a muscle shirt and leather jacket like the Wolverine in the movie. So this is what he wore for his homemade Wolverine costume: a pair of jeans, cowboy boots, a brown leather jacket, … Read more

Coolest Mystique from X Men Costume

Homemade Mystique from X Men Costume

I managed to buy a blue leotard as the base of my Mystique from X Men Costume from a dance shop. I then used ‘wonderweb’ to attach small scales in a darker coloured blue to the rest of the costume (using a picture of Mystique guidance) especially along the arms, hips and legs – these … Read more

Coolest Mystique Homemade Costume

Homemade Mystique Costume

First, I spent awhile making the physical outfit. I used a bikini bottom and a strapless bra. I bought foam pieces and cut them into various shapes that were similar to Mystique’s scales. I glued the pieces over the bra and swimsuit. I also had some foam sticking from the top of the bra, to … Read more

Coolest Jean Grey from X-Men Costume

Homemade Jean Grey from X-Men Costume

There are a lot of fictional characters that I love, a lot of characters who resonate with me, but none quite like Jean Grey of the X-Men. this is my Jean Grey from X-Men Costume. I have been making my own Halloween costumes for years and I always love the opportunity to spend time exploring … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mystique from X-men Halloween Costume

Homemade Mystique from X-men Halloween Costume

This Homemade Mystique from X-men Halloween Costume was a lot of fun! I had the idea last year but I just couldn’t figure out the paint. This year, I was adamant. My friend had just come back from Vegas and he bought a bunch of MAC body makeup, and just happened to have a blue … Read more

Cool DIY Mystique Halloween Costume

Homemade Mystique Halloween Costume

I started out making my Homemade Mystique Halloween Costume by ordering a blue body suit online. When it came in, I set to work making myself scaly by covering the suit darker blue puffy paint. This took a few days, as I had to do parts with the suit on and then do the complete … Read more

Coolest Homemade Gambit from the X Men Costume

Homemade Gambit from the X Men Costume

The Homemade Gambit from the X Men Costume was pretty simple. I spray painted a car mat and cut it to size for my shin guards and black under amour pants. A tight pink shirt with drawn on muscles. I got the trench coat from Goodwill for $10. A metal pole for my bow staff … Read more

Original Homemade Mystique Halloween Costume

Homemade Mystique Halloween Costume

I’ve been DYING to create a Homemade Mystique Halloween Costume and finally decided to go for it this year. I’m not the greatest at sewing, so I had a bodysuit made to my exact measurements. I needed the suit to fit really tightly so as to give the impression of body paint and not a … Read more

Coolest Mystique Costume

Homemade Mystique Costume

To make this Homemade Mystique Costume I first started with a Royal Blue leotard I bought from the We Love Colors website, as well as the socks. I know most women who attempt this costume go for the more nude look by painting their body or exposing their chest. I was not down for that … Read more

Coolest Homemade X-Men Costumes

I was Rogue and my friends Brooke and DJ were the Dark Phoenix and Storm from the X-men cartoon series.

My friends and I are huge dorks and as an x-men enthusiast I convinced them to join in on the fun for our company Halloween party. They were a HUGE hit everywhere we went – the best homemade costumes by far, we put the rented costumes to shame. Brooke and I ordered our unitards from … Read more