Coolest Homemade Colonel Sanders Costume

Homemade Colonel Sanders Costume

This Homemade Colonel Sanders Costume was made for our 6 year old daughter. It just came to us one day as we were driving by a KFC. The costume itself was easy. We bought a white suit at a thrift store. The tie is just a piece of ribbon bought at a textile store. We … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken Baby Costume

Homemade Bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken Baby Costume

This is my daughter Zoë on her first Halloween. She was about seven months old at the time. During my pregnancy, eggs, and fried chicken were my favorite. It was especially funny as before I was pregnant chicken on the bone in any fashion was something I just wouldn’t eat. The chicken costume was adorable … Read more

Coolest Homemade Colonel Sanders and the Chicken Couple Costume

Homemade Colonel Sanders and the Chicken Couple Costume

My parents were invited to my cousin’s wedding which was on Halloween and there was to be a costume contest involved. My mom was trying to figure out what they would be. She got the brilliant idea to do Colonel Sanders and a chicken since it was right about the time people were claiming that … Read more