Coolest KFC Family Costume

Coolest KFC Family Costume 14

After browsing on your site for baby costume ideas I decided on the chicken. With help from previous entrants made one for my baby girl. After I finished I started thinking about what my husband and I would be. At first I thought rooster and hen with a baby chick, but my husband quickly vetoed … Read more

Coolest Grimace from McDonald’s Costume

Homemade Grimace from McDonald's Costume

I’ve always wanted to make a Halloween costume from one of the McDonald’s characters. It took me awhile but I settled on a Grimace from McDonald’s Costume. As I was making the costume, I decided to add a twist to the costume and made him Grimace’s cousin from Mexico, Pedro. So I fitted him with … Read more

Coolest Knorr’s Salty Costume Idea

Homemade Knorr's Salty Costume Idea

My daughter LOVES salty so we got a big ball and paper mached the crap outta it, added some ears and painted the head white with some Krylon. Inside we got some surgical tubing and epoxied it to some bbq squirt bottles and filled them with salt then duct taped them to the top inside … Read more

Original Homemade Hamburglar Costume

Homemade Hamburglar Costume

Being that Halloween has been my FAVORITE day of the year, I am known to always appear in a handmade costume with any necessary PROPS in hand. My best friend and I enjoy the month of October for two obvious reasons… Halloween and McDONALD’S MONOPOLY GAME PIECE TIME!!! We figured it’d only be appropriate to … Read more

Coolest DIY Fast Food Family Halloween Costume Idea

DIY Fast Food Family Halloween Costume Idea

Every year the Aramini family does a “theme” for Halloween! This year, we had a DIY fast food family Halloween costume idea… Mommy as Ronald McDonald – I went to the local salvation army and scored a pair of yellow adult footed pajamas and a red & white striped sweater.. I cut the arms and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Wendy and Jack in the Box Costume

Homemade Wendy and Jack in the Box Costume

I had decided early on to go as JACK (from Jack in the Box restaurants) and my wife decided to stick with the fast food theme and go as WENDY (of course from Wendy’s). We added the “baby” JANDY, to solidify the merger. The JACK head was all paper mache. I used a big playground … Read more

Coolest Homemade Ronald McDonald Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Ronald McDonald Halloween Costume Idea

Created this homemade Ronald McDonald Halloween costume idea with the help of my grandma (whose excellent at sewing). We purchased the fabric needed for the costume at a local fabric store. She sewed the costume up to my body dimensions starting with the yellow main part first working outward going to the sleeves and then … Read more

Coolest Homemade Planter’s Mr. Peanut Costume

Homemade Planter's Mr. Peanut Costume

For my homemade Planter’s Mr. Peanut costume I sewed felt letters to a top hat, sponge-painted and sewed a yellow dress, constructed a monocle out of a magnifying glass and added some finishing touches.

Coolest Homemade Bob’s Big Boy Baby Costume

Homemade Bob's Big Boy Baby Costume

My husband and I went to lunch with my Dad to Bob’s Big Boy and we saw how similar our son’s hair was to Bob… *Light Bulb* – a homemade Bob’s Big Boy baby costume! I went to Joanns and picked up a yard of red and white checkered fabric (with the big squares, not … Read more

Cool Homemade Taco Bell Dog Halloween Costume

Coolest Homemade Taco Bell Dog Halloween Costume Ideas and Photos

I had a Chihuahua as a pet. I wanted to be the Taco Bell dog. I started this dog costume by trying to make the head out of paper Mache’. It burst and I made a mess in the kitchen. I went to the store and purchased four different size balls. I taped them all … Read more